Posted 22 ноября 2021, 10:35

Published 22 ноября 2021, 10:35

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Kazan is the first, the rest have to get ready: the experiment with QR codes in transport has begun

22 ноября 2021, 10:35
From November 21, in public transport in Kazan, you can drive only upon presentation of a QR code. This is the first experience of restricting people on the right to travel in the regions. On the first day of the QR-code system, 500 people were expelled from public transport.

Some passengers refused to show their documents and called the police.

Moscow's experience in 2020 has shown that the introduction of digital certificates can paralyze public transport. Then the metropolitan metro stood in queues, passengers stormed public transport, and the dense crowd of people only contributed to the spread of diseases.

So today the media and social networks have already reported from Kazan about the first results of this restriction: on the very first day, more than 500 people were disembarked from public transport after checking QR codes, and a traffic collapse occurred in the city. According to the rules, the code is checked after the passenger has entered the cabin, and if he does not have a QR-code, he must exit.

For example, one passenger refused to show the QR-code and get off, but called the police, which disrupted the traffic schedule on two tram routes. In addition, long queues in the metro have formed in the city, taxi prices have skyrocketed, and there is a shortage of free car-sharing cars - getting to work is expensive.

Kazan residents rightly complain: “I have the first vaccination, the second one is not, I cannot go anywhere. Well, where now, I'll go home, on foot - What should I do? How will I get there? By taxi for 500 rubles? This is a thousand rubles a day just for travel - You have one vaccination, and we miss only two", - quoted by the channel Pool N3.

Moreover, the conductors, who are obliged to check the codes, talk about dismissal, because they are faced with a wave of rudeness from the passengers, and besides, their gadgets for reading the codes do not cope with the checks, and paper certificates are not accepted. Readovka reports that in the morning alone, 300 without QR codes were dropped out of the transport.

Meanwhile, the fine for travel without a QR code is up to 30 thousand rubles, for a carrier - up to 500 thousand.

“If the introduction of QR codes goes more or less calmly, the Tatar experience will be extended to other regions, including Moscow. A tab has already appeared on the Mosgortrans website explaining how to use digital passes in the Moscow metro and on the rest of the transport. However, a collapse can still occur if systems begin to fail. For example, on international flights, databases of quar codes do not always work, which leads to long and painful manual rechecking of a passenger. Such slowness cannot be allowed on public transport in large cities such as Moscow, Kazan and other cities with a population of over one million ... " - political scientist Ilya Grashchenkov comments on the situation.

The expert warns that if these restrictive measures work as badly as they did in Moscow, this will inevitably lead to numerous conflicts, local riots, as well as a sharp increase in discontent with the authorities:

“Actually, if the experiment is recognized as unsuccessful, the federal center itself may ask the region to cancel its implementation. If the consequences of a possible failure are too resonant, then the full responsibility may fall on the authorities of the republic ... "

By the way, the introduction of QR codes in small settlements also does not bode well, because due to poor communication or low technical equipment, the systems may freeze.

“Then the inspectors will have to make a decision, let people in just like that or leave them freezing at the bus stop. In the regions of the north, especially in winter, this practice can become a threat to life, a person can simply freeze. Besides, not all people have smartphones and even the ability to print a pass ... ”- warns Grashchenkov.

The system of segregation by QR codes also has the first victims. In the same Tatarstan, in the city of Nizhnekamsk, on November 19, the trial of an elderly employee of the Sesame shopping center took place. An elderly woman is accused of not organizing a QR code check at the entrance to the shopping center. She herself explains that she went to the toilet, and the employee who replaced her for a while did not ask the incoming codes for codes, because her phone was discharged. As a result, the 70-year-old woman was sentenced to an administrative fine of 10 thousand rubles , which is 2/3 of her pension.

The name of the convicted woman was not disclosed. But on the other hand, it was possible to establish the identity of the judge with a high probability. This is Ruslan Anatolyevich Lvov . It was he who November 19 made judgments , incl. against several women, under Article 20.6.1 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation ( "Failure to comply with the rules of conduct when introducing a high alert regime ..."

What will the introduction of QR codes on public transport lead to? Besides, what did this measure lead to for public catering? When, for example, in the capital's "fast food restaurants" they began to let them in by codes, huge queues lined up at the entrances to the eatery. Of course, without observing any "social distance". People who did not have the code took take-out food and tried to settle down somewhere nearby, on benches or on the sidewalk, which also contributed to the compaction of the crowd. Thus, due to crowding of people, the epidemiological danger did not decrease, but increased ... Similarly, the introduction of an additional code check at the entrance to public transport will certainly slow down the boarding of passengers; therefore, it will lead to crowding of passengers at stops. Not to mention the fact that the transport itself, due to such a loss of time, will travel to the next stop longer, which means that more passengers will accumulate at the stops. And this, in turn, does not reduce, but increases the danger of the spread of the virus.
