Posted 6 апреля 2020, 13:07

Published 6 апреля 2020, 13:07

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

The motto of the day: we need no experience of China in the implementation of digital fascism!

The motto of the day: we need no experience of China in the implementation of digital fascism!

6 апреля 2020, 13:07
The actions of the authorities are designed not only and not so much to stop the pandemic, but to extend the quarantine as much as possible as a way of total control over the population

The new totalitarianism looming over the world is based on the well-tested and repeatedly tested false dilemma “freedom or life (health)”, further expanding to “freedom or security” and even to “freedom or economy”.

Alina Vitukhnovskaya, writer

A frightened person, who is essentially in an altered state of consciousness, is inclined to commit impulsive actions aimed, as it seems to him, to quickly rid himself of fear and at the same time to resolve the current situation. But as we are well aware, rush and stress are not the best allies of rational thinking. So in the heat of a viral fever, society, faced with a tough choice, can make a number of dangerous miscalculations and fatal mistakes.

A few days ago, in front of my eyes, the Friendship Park was blocked by the metro River Station. On the way back from the subway to the house, he was already virtually all cordoned off by the police. And to return, I had to make a huge meaningless circle. The park was filled not only with the police, but also with some activists in beige jackets, presumably by the Rosguards. With me, the impudent police officer stopped a pensioner, who, judging by the huge bag, was walking out of the store. "Date of Birth!" He snapped roughly. The frightened pensioner was released a little later. The impression is that due to the legal limitation of the situation, it is being tested in a real process, literally - they are looking at how it goes.

Everything that I saw was absolutely pointless from the point of view of combating the spread of the disease, but it created uncomfortable and humiliating situations for residents of the city. However, these situations have been created over the past twenty years, but now everything that was not so obvious will concentrate and reach its peak.

For example, an attempt by the Moscow authorities to track the movements of citizens during a pandemic resulted in increased police control measures, which, in practice, will turn into elements of an electronic concentration camp. In this case, the followers of the surveillance are no longer the military and the Chekists, but fashionable immoral hipsters.

NtechLab co-founder Alexander Kabakov says in a recent interview with The Bell:

“Today, according to what the city says, 105 thousand CCTV cameras with face recognition are connected in Moscow. That is, in general, this system is with a large coverage - it accurately covers all houses, and this is more than half of the total number of all security cameras in Moscow. ”

The moral and ethical as well as the legal side of the issue of a brisk performer are not interested:

“We are a provider of face recognition technology for the city, and we do not have access to internal processes and servers. We put the software, and then the question to the Department of Information Technology (DIT) of Moscow, how they use it. Where they take data and photos, we do not know. But we can assume that there are databases from the police, now they are actively collecting additional information, for example, Rospotrebnadzor and other bodies. ”

At the same time, it is obvious that the development is carried out not only and not so much to stop the pandemic, but to extend the quarantine as much as possible as a way of total control over the population. I quote:

“If this happens again in the future, and we have more analytics, then it will be possible to do more precisely the quarantine itself, send fewer people to isolation. And in the future, these measures should not lead to closing everyone home, but, on the contrary, to limit as few people as possible in moving. Technologies will help to better identify infected people and more accurately determine the circle of their contacts and potentially infected people. If you know exactly who is infected, then you don’t need to isolate the whole area. ”

And here the developer refers to the experience of China. Let me remind you that China is not only an authoritarian power, but also the actual culprit of what is happening, which began to operate tracking systems for citizens long before the pandemic (Uyghur region), which did not help him further in the matter of localization and control of the spread of coronavirus infection COVID-19 . And again I quote Kabakov, who thinks that “The issue of privacy is generally meaningless”:

“The experience of China shows that quarantine works. Therefore, for the future: the more accurately we will understand what a person was doing, the less likely there will be a new pandemic.

Smartphones are already collecting an extremely large amount of data about you. And the question here is only who has access to them. And in general, I don’t understand what will be dangerous if the cameras in the stairwell determine whether the person clicked on the elevator button - is that really secret information that violates the right to privacy? I think not. ”

It is considered politically incorrect to call the coronavirus Chinese. However, all the information that is known to us at the moment, speaks only and exclusively that it originated in China. Moreover, no country, except the United States, wants to conduct an investigation on this issue.

The fact that practically no military intelligence of the world responded in time to the unfolding threat of a pandemic, and an organization such as WHO, designed to professionally monitor the spread of deadly pathogens, actually ignored the “21st century plague” when it still could be relatively efficiently blocked. Namely, when it became known that the new coronavirus is transmitted from person to person, which was stubbornly hushed up by the Chinese authorities in late December 2019 - early January 2020.

Judging by the behavior of the virus in the body of the infected, it can be called not only strange, but also in some way aimed at disabling the maximum number of infected. The version of the exclusively natural origin of the coronavirus, launched into widespread media coverage, also gives the impression of an artificially created agenda, aimed at covering up criminal negligence. Actually an unintentional terrorist attack on a global scale, if we evaluate what is happening in the plane of international law.

We must not only ignore the false dilemmas, but also remember that those who try to restrict our freedoms are least concerned about our well-being. Especially when it comes to representatives of authoritarianism, that of Chinese, that of the Russian sample.
