Carriers: in the regions, trucks with products began to be deployed home

Carriers: in the regions, trucks with products began to be deployed home

7 апреля 2020, 00:36
In a number of regions, they began to slowly block roads and city entrances. Riot police and police do not allow hundreds of vehicles, including many trucks carrying, including food. Legal fog and uncertainty reigns.

About this on the air of the YouTube channel "ROY TV" said an activist of the Association of Russian carriers, trucker Alexei Sorokova.

Despite the fact that the authorities promised not to restrict long-distance transport, according to Sorokovoy, the exact opposite happened: the wagons began to slow down and deploy, and in fact they often engaged in the delivery of vital goods.

In ODA, reports are increasingly being received that checkpoints appear on regional roads, which are passed only by local residents, and all the rest are sent back.

Judging by the video materials shown in an interview with Alexei Sorokov, we are talking about police posts and riot police and huge chains of cars.

“A lot of ODA coordinators work everywhere, these are our eyes and ears. Recently, we began to receive alarming information from a number of cities of regional significance. People make videos and talk about how in the regions they began to echo the lawlessness that Sobyanin set up in Moscow - at least that he announced with Governor Vorobyov - and gradually block roads and entrances. Similar materials were sent to us from Stavropol, Krasnodar and other cities. So, for example, recently a friend was traveling through Krasnodar towards Voronezh. He informed about the checkpoints, they only let the locals in, and everyone who goes towards the city, including trucks with goods, is not allowed in, they wrap up, they say, I'm sorry, the city is closed, ”said Alexei Sorokova.

A member of the ODA noted that as long as there is no presidential decree on the state of emergency, it is not clearly indicated in which place, in which zone this regime is being introduced, until there is an appropriate Headquarters and officials have been appointed to reduce the consequences of this emergency and what will they subsequently guide ”, whether such actions by Sobyanin, Vorobyov or the mayors of other cities are“ nothing more than tyranny and tyranny. ”

“This is completely illegal. Our authorities have already forgotten how to comply even with those wretched and incomplete laws that we have had since 1993, ”Sorokova said.

He recalled that long-distance transport is the basis of food supply. Food is often a "perish", and, for example, rail transportation does not cover all types of goods.

“In Russia, part of agricultural production is produced in a very limited territory of our country - mainly in the south, in the southern part of Siberia, in Primorye ... Already, vegetables and fruits should definitely be transported by refrigerator on automobile trailers. For example, bananas with pineapples in our North do not grow, they also need to be delivered there somehow, and mainly by truckers, ”said Alexey Sorokovoy.

In Moscow, according to a trucker, “there are products for now,” although there are interruptions with some brands and types of goods. Some of what was cheap was replaced by a more expensive one, as a result, prices for certain positions are now 4-6 times higher.

And this trend, in Sorokovy’s view, is generally noticeable where, delivery of products occurs with delays. “Suppose, near Voronezh, a kilogram of lemons is no longer sold for 100 rubles, but for 400,” said Alexei Sorokova.

A member of the Association of Russian Carriers emphasized that the organization is categorically against actions taking place outside the legal field.

“The authorities do not introduce an emergency mode, do not take responsibility for deliveries, do not re-preserve the state reserves located in a particular region, and in every possible way try not to answer for anything, but at the same time they want to receive bonuses and nishtyaks from what people put in under house arrest and rule them as they want. We do not recognize measures that violate the law and, of course, we will fight against illegal actions. But, first of all, of course, we will try to deliver goods to those cities and towns where they should have been brought, ”said Alexey Sorokovoy.

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