Posted 8 апреля 2020, 10:30

Published 8 апреля 2020, 10:30

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Greed forever: Sberbank does not compensate pensioner for damage from falling stairs

Greed forever: Sberbank does not compensate pensioner for damage from falling stairs

8 апреля 2020, 10:30
Despite the obvious facts, Russia's largest bank denies guilty for causing serious injuries to a pensioner from Ulan-Ude

A pensioner from Ulan-Ude, Vladimir Ityuyev, has been unable to obtain compensation from Sberbank for grievous bodily harm caused to him through the fault of this financial organization. The fact is that during one of the visits to the bank a step-ladder fell on a pensioner, standing on which a worker was repairing an air conditioner. However, until now, neither Sberbank itself nor the court have recognized Ityuyev’s lawsuit substantiated, the Siberia. Realities. "

After he received a severe blow to the head and was taken away by ambulance, the doctors diagnosed Ityuyev with a closed head injury, concussion, numerous bruises, abrasions, bruises, a broken nose and deformation of the nasal septum. Moreover, later it was discovered that his tooth was also broken. After the injuries, the pensioner worsened hypertension, which provoked a pre-stroke condition that continues to this day. In addition, a broken nose interferes with normal breathing.

Ityuyev is now forced to live on drugs, although before that he was considered to be a practically healthy person for his age: “Before all this happened, I did not go to the doctors at all. Although I am retired, I work, there was more than enough energy, a bunch of plans. And now ... I have to constantly undergo examinations, be treated, drink medicine. Now we are preparing for nose surgery. My nose is now crooked, because of this, even my glasses on my face do not hold, fail. This is some kind of hell, not life. I already curse the day I went to the bank ... "

It is striking that Sberbank employees do not consider themselves guilty in this situation, and, of course, they are not going to compensate Ityuyeva for any physical or moral damage. Moreover, in court they make a pensioner almost the culprit of what happened.

When it came to the pre-trial resolution of the conflict, Sberbank offered the pensioner, according to his daughter, ridiculous 50 thousand rubles, while only the treatment at the dentist cost him 194 thousand. And this is not counting the drugs and the cost of rhinoplasty surgery, which is extremely necessary. Ityuyev was not helped either by contacting the police, or the Rospotrebnadzor, or the prosecutor’s office - only unsubscribes. Meanwhile, knowledgeable people laugh: they have found someone suing - with Sberbank!

The pensioner's family also went to court, but to no avail - in the first instance, he was lost. And then it also became clear that people who find themselves through the fault of Sberbank in similar situations do their job with enormous difficulty - financiers are suing to the last for every penny. For example, in 2018, a resident of the Vladimir region in 2018 sued Sberbank 450 thousand rubles for injuries sustained as a result of hitting a faulty door in one of the branches. And the bank for a long time continued to challenge this decision in the courts of higher instances.

In our case, it is curious to hear the argument of Judge Nomogoeva, who stopped the proceedings in her blue eye, saying that no consumer rights were violated, because when the worker and the stepladder fell on Ityuyev leaving the premises, he was not a consumer of the bank! But if he had made an operation at the ATM at that time, then another thing ...

According to lawyers, Sberbank’s allegations that the repair team of contractors who were called to repair the air conditioner were allegedly irresponsible. At the same time, financiers somehow do not care about elementary logic: why did they receive customers at the same time as repairs?

Ityuyev’s lawyers have already filed a complaint about the unfair court ruling, as well as an appeal to the Supreme Court of Buryatia. So hope still remains.

A creepy video of this incident can be seen here .
