Posted 11 апреля 2020, 21:16

Published 11 апреля 2020, 21:16

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Under the guise of quarantine tenants are thrown out at the Badayevsky brewery

Under the guise of quarantine tenants are thrown out at the Badayevsky brewery

11 апреля 2020, 21:16
While measures to control the movement of citizens during the epidemic are being tightened in Russia, special passes are being introduced to go out, while the area for illegal construction of developers is being expanded. Deprived of business people who are in isolation, do not even have the opportunity to resist this.

Irina Mishina

Oksana Skolotina during the quarantine period lost her art gallery and restaurant on the territory of the former Badayevsky Brewery. Despite the fact that she had a lease agreement until October 2022, she was offered to unilaterally hastily cancel it. Oksana estimates her losses from the loss of business at more than 150 million rubles. In a similar situation were more than 30 tenants of premises in the territory of JSC BPZ in the West of Moscow. It’s just that this territory, a tidbit with historical sites and a view of the Moskva River, urgently, in quarantine, was needed by developers from the Capital group: it is planned to build a large-scale residential complex here.

The Badaevsky brewery was once famous throughout the country. Until 2006, the factory produced various types of beer, but then it was suspended, almost all of its territory was leased. In its buildings appeared popular cafes, restaurants, and the fashionable night club Roof of the World. Production of the famous Trekhgornoye beer was resumed in Mytishchi. Now the Badaevsky brewery is the territory of scandal. The controversial issue of the demolition of part of its buildings arose a long time ago. First, a group of construction companies PIK "laid eyes on" this territory. But then came a more aggressive competitor: Capital group.

Sergei Semyonovich in friendly relations with our management always shakes hands with our managers, so there is a chance that everything will be decided in our favor with the territory of the Badayevsky plant. Although specific information on the new LCD is not present, but the start of construction this year, we expect, "- said" NO "sales manager Dmitry Ca pital group. - “Start of sales - at the end of the year !”.

The question of the construction of this LCD until recently remained open. Experts did not give unambiguous conclusions: karst, landslide soils near the river, which cannot be used for the construction of multi-storey residential buildings, numerous issues related to historical security facilities on the territory of BPZ JSC — all this hindered the start of work, despite the mayor’s handshakes to his friends from Capital group. Tenants, who created a kind of cultural cluster on this territory, held back development and were a kind of guarantor of the preservation of historical monuments. Many of them started their business here from scratch, having come to dilapidated premises and completely restored them without prejudice to history. Now they are being asked to leave their premises.

This means that Moscow will soon lose one of the most popular leisure places for citizens - with restaurants, art galleries, schools of painting and dancing, art salons, a trampoline center and the patriotic center for training shooting "Labyrinth". Now everyone is asked to urgently vacate the premises.

Tenants began to be evicted from the territory of the Badayevsky brewery with the beginning of quarantine and self-isolation. We started with those who occupied the ancient buildings. The other day, Capital Group sent them Agreements on the voluntary termination of the lease with the Badaevsky Brewery, although many had long-term agreements. The gallery owner Oksana Skolotina - until October 1, 2022, for example. Now all contracts are “nullified”. Tenants were ordered to leave the premises before April 30, 2020.

“A stab in the back, fatal and sneaky, we sit at home on self-isolation and try hard to survive this time, we pay our employees wages, we try to help those who are difficult now, we really hope and wait ... and Capital Group asked leave everyone on April 30! And they are not quarantined by quarantine, because by the order of our mayor, construction companies work and have a head start, they can strike us in the back. Courts are postponed, restaurants and galleries are closed, meetings and rallies are prohibited, which means you can wet those who are weaker now! Thank you, native country! Thanks to our mayor! ”, Writes Oksana Skolotina, owner of the Maer Art salon on Facebook.

“I just don’t know how to live on,” says gallery owner Oksana Skolotina. “But I started from scratch here. I repaired a room without a roof at my own expense, some walls were bare. Gradually, my gallery turned into a popular place for lovers of painting. A small restaurant opened nearby. Recently, with the beginning of quarantine and the regime of self-isolation, we have supported local elderly people - those who are over 65 and who cannot go outside. Organized free delivery of meals to the elderly, the disabled. That's who I feel most sorry for right now! ”Oksana sighs.

In social networks, a discussion has already unfolded about this.

Maer Art : “Single pickets are also prohibited now, apparently? This is not included in the list of permitted reasons for leaving the house? We just stood, gritting our teeth, everything stopped at us - an art school, exhibitions, workshops, restaurants! ”

Kirill Batuev : “But can this really be done now? I think we need to urgently consult with lawyers. There are some marotories there .... ".

In the Dorogomilovsk court, the lawsuit of tenants of premises on the territory of the Badayevsky Refinery is actually considered against the Capital group. “The lawsuit was accepted. There were 21 signatures under it, among the signatories were municipal deputies, cultural figures, and businessmen. But at one of the sessions, the judge suddenly asked: “Where are the signatures of the lawsuit?” They miraculously disappeared: while familiarizing themselves with the case file, one of the parties simply changed the sheet, ”says lawyer Pavel Lapin.

Neither a moratorium, nor moral principles for handshakes at the City Hall managers of Capital group, as it turned out, no. They are allowed everything. “We will sue further. We don’t see any other way, ”tenants sigh.

The main mystery of the situation is that the project of the “House on legs” planned at this place has not even passed the examination, it is being constantly updated with some kind of corrections.

With the departure of tenants, the fate of historical buildings is difficult to predict. “The building that we occupied consists of cast-iron supporting structures. If it is demolished, the whole complex will collapse. As far as we know, only facades will remain from the historical buildings of the Badayevsky Brewery, as far as we know, ” Oksana Skolotina, gallery owner , told NI .

There is one mystery in this whole situation. The manager of the sales department at Capital gpoup Dmitry somehow mysteriously hinted in a conversation that all the historic buildings would supposedly remain. This, they say, is the appeal of the new project: it will be immersed in the “historical environment”.

“We are offered to leave all our premises in which we worked and did business. They threaten to disconnect communications. But we see how Capital Group brings its employees to the liberated territories, they take our places, ”Oksana Skolotina reports.

“The plans of this development company are ambitious and involve the demolition of part of the buildings on the territory of the Badayevsky brewery. Another part of the buildings is supposed to be reconstructed. The examination of the “house on legs” project is still not ready, it is being adjusted, ”Igor Shikhov , coordinator of the Arkhnadzor social movement , told NI .

What will be on this place?

“Today, only the southern part of the 1st and 3rd buildings are protected cultural heritage sites on the territory of the Badayevsky plant. Also at the power plant and in the engine room, the upper part was recognized as a “valuable city-forming object”. What will happen to the bottom of the case is a rhetorical question. The entire northern part of the 1st and 3rd buildings will also go under development. Under this was the scientific base - the expert opinion of Elena Solovieva from the State Unitary Enterprise “Specialized Directorate of Cultural Heritage Sites” of the Moscow Cultural Heritage Department. In its conclusion, many historic buildings in the northern part of the building (which faces the river), sharply “rejuvenated” and as a result did not receive the status of cultural heritage objects. Why this happened is not difficult to guess. The fact is that the capital group has its own views on this part of the territory of the developer. It is there that the houses “on the legs” will be built, there they will dig a foundation pit, there will be a 3-level underground parking, ”says Igor Shikhov, coordinator of Archnadzor . - “The developer is now preparing to receive documents, and demolition will begin in May. It is difficult to predict what exactly and in what order they will be demolished. One way or another, the foundation pit will come close to the historic buildings, which in any case will harm them, ”the experts of Archnadzor explain.

In this whole story, one thing is alarming: the duplicity of the Moscow authorities, which some order not to leave the apartment, fraught with fines, and others, especially close to the mayor and his structures, under the cover of a coronavirus, is allowed to do everything: evict the owners of premises, rewrite documents, seize territories, start demolishing historic buildings.

Among Muscovites, a sad expression has already appeared on this score: “The coronavirus will write everything off!”
