Japanese scientists have found a drug that blocks coronavirus

Japanese scientists have found a drug that blocks coronavirus

13 апреля 2020, 09:13
Scientists from the University of Tokai in Isehar found that the drug nelfinavir is able to stop the reproduction of coronavirus.

Nelfinavir is a synthetic antiviral drug used in combination therapy for adults for the treating HIV infection such as HIV-1. Scientists in Tokai have studied ten such drugs and learned how they affect coronavirus particles. So they revealed a pattern in the use of nelfinavir and a decrease in the replication activity of SARS CoV-2, which is the causative agent of COVID-19.

However, this does not mean that the medicine can be called a proven remedy for coronavirus. Doctors are sure that it is necessary to conduct tests with the most effective antiviral drugs.

We've to recall that doctors around the world with varying degrees of effectiveness already used drugs against HIV as well as against cancer, Ebola and malaria when they treated the people infected with coronavirus.

Scientists from Australia previously found that ivermectin that is used against helminths and scabies suppresses coronavirus for 48 hours.

Experts note that just after a vaccine is created for the effective treatment and prevention of coronavirus, it will be possible to talk about the final victory over the disease. According to experts, this can happen not earlier than by the end of 2020. The Russian Academy of Sciences believes that the appearance of drugs for coronavirus should be expected only after two years. Ancha Baranova, a professor at the GMU School of Systems Biology, said that the vaccine should be created by 2021, but it is too early to say whether it will be active throughout a person’s life.

By now 1,760,207 cases of infection with a new coronavirus have been recorded in the world. More than 108 thousand people died from it. In Russia, 15 770 cases of the disease were detected. 130 patients died.

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