Robert Redfield: "The new wave of COVID-19 will be even worse - it will coincide with the flu ..."

Robert Redfield: "The new wave of COVID-19 will be even worse - it will coincide with the flu ..."

23 апреля 2020, 18:17
American expert predicts catastrophic pandemic scenario this fall

In America, they are already preparing for the second wave of coronavirus this fall, and it is believed that it will be more destructive than the first. About this in an interview with The Washington Post says Director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Robert Redfield.

“While states are hoping to start rebuilding their economies, a second wave of coronavirus is coming, which will be much worse than this, because it will most likely coincide with the start of the flu season.

The presence of two simultaneous outbreaks of respiratory disease will create an unimaginable burden on the health system. The first wave of COVID-19, a coronavirus disease, has already claimed the lives of more than 42,000 people across the country. She swept the hospitals and revealed a terrifying lack of tests, mechanical ventilation and protective equipment for medical workers ... "

Redfield also said officials should use the coming months to prepare for what lies ahead. They should clarify the importance of continuing to maintain social distance, as well as significantly expand their ability to identify infected people through testing and identify everyone they interact with using contact tracing. This will prevent new cases of the disease that can develop into larger outbreaks.

Fortunately, the emergence of a new coronavirus in the United States occurred when the normal flu season waned, he said. If the first wave of the coronavirus outbreak and the flu season reached their peak at the same time, this could be a disaster in terms of healthcare opportunities ... ”

This eerie forecast is even more terribly commented on in his blog by journalist Pavel Pryanikov:

“Whether it is true or not, it is obvious that under the threat of a new wave of a pandemic, humanity in the First World and in the large cities of the Second World - in the same Moscow, will begin to change its behavior dramatically. Technological and police measures will become permanent (with passes, dividing people into professional workshops with special privileges). Social distancing will not only sit in everyone’s mind, but will most likely become mandatory. There will be no more mass events and meetings.

Remote work for a significant part of office workers will become the norm (who will have work left). The wealthy and senior officials will even further move away not even from the bottom, but from the middle class. The life of the first persons in the bunkers, the rich in country houses, turned into sanitary fortresses, will become the norm.

The economy will be deflated by 30-40 percent. Consumption will return to the level of the 1950s. Demand for oil in the world will fall by 40-50%, and Russian oil will be squeezed out of the world market. Half of the population will have to be put on a welfare. For the same Moscow, it will be 20 thousand per month (by that time the dollar would surpass the mark of 100 rubles). But this will not last long - without the sale of oil, the Russian economy will stumble at the beginning of the 20th century. What will happen next - to think sadly, to write a lot - a dystopian novel ... "
