There is no way out: the pass control system directly threatens the life of bedridden patients and the elderly

There is no way out: the pass control system directly threatens the life of bedridden patients and the elderly

23 апреля 2020, 09:45
For violation of self-isolation in Moscow, 17,000 protocols have already been drawn up, and fines of 70 million rubles have been recovered.

Among those fined are relatives of seriously ill, bedridden old people, among whom there are many veterans of the Great Patriotic War, about whom so much is said on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the Victory.

Irina Mishina

On March 29, Russian regions began to introduce a regime of self-isolation due to coronavirus. Residents are not allowed to leave their homes except on urgent occasions. In some regions, including Moscow, caring for an elderly relative was not included in this list.

There are many ambiguities and inconsistencies in this story. It seems that government agencies have not agreed on common actions. Judge for yourself. The explanations on the portal and the mayor’s decree do not make exceptions for people who need to care for elderly relatives. On the other hand, at the operational headquarters in Moscow to control and monitor the situation with a coronavirus said that in case of emergency to go by car or taxi to another part of the city can be . The Moscow "hot line" on the coronavirus "NI" reported the opposite:

Николай Амвросиевич Василега , 98-и летний ветеран войны, заслужил спокойную старость и помощь государства. Но московские чиновники, судя по всему, считают иначе.
Фронтовик Николай Василега. Фото из семейного архива.

“All information about the self-isolation mode should be viewed on the portal, no exceptions to the rules are provided. Actions that contradict the recommendations on the portal remain “under the personal responsibility of the citizen”.

Мэрия ответит на Обращение Галины Николаевны по поводу возможности навещать больного отца ежедневно лишь через 30 дней...

Thus, the problems of those who care for seriously ill or elderly relatives are also given “under personal responsibility”. Which, however, often turns into administrative responsibility with a protocol and a fine ...

У Николая Амвросиевича Василега - большая и дружная семья. Но сейчас пропускная система превратила его в одинокого больного человека...

This problem has long ceased to be invisible and escalated into a scandal that erupts in social networks. And not only. In an appeal addressed to the name of Sergei Sobyanin, Muscovite Galina Nikolaevna Vasilega writes :

I am a pensioner, caring for my 98-year-old father, a participant in the war. More recently, on the eve of the anniversary of Victory Day, a large-scale company was launched to honor veterans, provide them with attention and care. Now, I and thousands of residents providing care for elderly relatives are allowed to do this 2 times a week with a preliminary pass. I turned to the deputy of the Moscow State Duma and the social service of the district with a request to broadcast this problem to higher organizations. So far, nothing has changed. Mercy and compassion are more important than soulless decrees and fear of fines. Being a law-abiding citizen, observing all recommendations and rules, I consider unreasonable restriction in movement and unacceptable interference in the personal life of my family and my obligations to the older generation . ”

The answer from the city hall Galina Nikolaevna received. She was informed that her appeal was sent to the Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption of Moscow, as well as to the Department of Information Technology and the Department of Labor and Social Protection. The answer, in accordance with the law, Galina Nikolaevna will receive in 30 days.

What will happen during this time with her sick father, she is afraid to even guess. “My father went through the whole war, he was promoted to colonel, he gave his life to the civil service, and I believe that he deserved a worthy old age. Now he is very ill. The situation can be said to be critical. He is 100% blind, plus type 2 diabetes and cancer. In addition, senile dementia began. Dad and I live close to each other, I visited my father every day. When it became very difficult - they hired a nurse with medical skills. My father got used to her for a long time, she mastered for a long time and got used to the difficulties of leaving. But sometimes emergency situations happen, for example, a nurse calls me in the middle of the night and says that Dad fell, and she can’t lift him up. I immediately break down and come, the blessing that I live not far. But now in situations where I need to urgently come to my father, I feel like a criminal who can be stopped and fined at any time. Sometimes it “broke off” in a car at night - also at your own peril and risk. The nurse is constantly with his father, he doesn’t leave the house, I provide them with products.

There are hundreds of similar deadlocks.

Olga Donskaya writes on Facebook:

“I would volunteer for my mother to visit her more than twice a week. But there seems to be no such possibility. From the word AT ALL. The better are outsiders bringing her food and medicine, which she, by the way, will not open? ”

“And my friend’s mother has a heart attack in Koptevo, and her grandmother in Medvedkovo is 90 years old. Both are not yet mobile. She lives with her husband and father-in-law. The father-in-law after shunting, she looks after him. The husband is on watch. Stalemate situation".

These people went through all circles of bureaucratic hell to help their loved ones. Galina Nikolaevna Vasilega began with an appeal to the deputy of the Moscow City Duma from their district, an athlete and former host of the Weak Link program, Maria Kiseleva. The deputy sent Galina Nikolaevna to the portal, assuring that they would certainly help.

And from the correspondence with the deputy of the Moscow State Duma M. Kiseleva on Facebook:

Galina Vasilega : “Maria, help me get a daily pass. There are no answers to any “hot line”. How to care for elderly relatives? This does not lend itself to a schedule. Specifically, in my case, my father is 98 years old. There are many such situations. They were not taken into account with restrictive measures of movement.

Maria Kiseleva : “Good afternoon, Galina. Due to the high load on the server, it is really possible to increase the waiting time for a response. I remind you that you can also get a pass by sending an SMS to 7377. "

In general, the answer in the style of "your call is very important to us."

By the way, Galina Nikolaevna did not succeed in obtaining a permanent pass through

“NI” informed the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Government of Moscow about this problem. Apparently, according to the "tip" of officials from the mayor's office, Galina Vasilega called the deputy back. Tatyana Mallerova, Head of Social Security, CJSC Moscow. "She said that she understands everything, can offer a" social "caregiver, but she does not have the power to solve the problem of a permanent pass to her sick father."

By the way, to the question of a social nurse. "Why not ?" - I asked Galina Nikolaevna.

“Firstly, the“ social ”nurse is a parish 2 times a week without medical care. And the father now needs round-the-clock supervision, medical assistance according to certain rules, which you just can’t teach for a day. Yes, and it’s difficult at 98 to get used to a new person. I emphasize: we, children and relatives of seriously ill, lying, disabled people, do not ask the state for anything. We ask only to give us the opportunity to take care of our family members without hindrance, ”explained Galina Nikolaevna.

In addition, social carers are not so simple. The question about them is one of the topics discussed in social networks.

From comments on Facebook:

Demina Maria : “From my experience: no one will help, no social care leave. In the best case, they will bring food and mop the floors, while the main problem is sanitary care. And nobody will help with it. Neither social security nor patronage. Some real help will come from the hospice, but try to get there. I went through this with my mom this fall, I was lucky to find a good 15-minute nurse who could afford us. This is a very sad and difficult topic, it is difficult even under normal conditions ... ”

Irina Loginova : “This is just the information for consideration in the topic. In the departments of the Central Organization Center: Mozhaisky - 1 positive test for coronavirus, Kuntsevo - 2 confirmed, 1 - in question ... Do we have double standards for protecting the population? Departments are not closed, the remaining social. workers were not quarantined, but distributed among them grandparents, who were served by the sick ... Slogans about "protecting the population", especially older people, with an appeal to appeal to volunteers in social. services - ahead of the rest! "We will take care of you" .... Well, yes, we do not even doubt it. "

As for the volunteers, this problem was not as simple as it seems. “I contacted volunteer organizations. In several structures I was offered to "join the shift." That is, also to become a volunteer, to join their organization, only in this case they will help my father. Sorry, I’m 62 years old, I have a family ... ”, says Galina Vasilega.

“NI” appealed to the municipal deputy of the Krylatskoye district and at the same time the head of the Territorial Social Service Center Galina Dorozhkina. She expressed extreme surprise at the fact that Galina Vasilega still can not get a permanent pass to visit her father.

“It is very simple! You need to register on the portal, you can bind your social card there, get an electronic pass and travel by public transport every day. I got such an electronic pass and ride with him. Do not worry, send a woman to us, we will gradually help her do everything! ” - the official assured.

In fact, the affectionate promises of the representative of social protection turned out to be that Galina Vasilega was advised to transport her father to her place or to visit him 2 times a week. “If our apartments were the same as those of the officials, I would not have thought for one minute to have transported my father to me. In addition, according to doctors, relocation can worsen a person with dementia. But the officials do not want to delve into the situation of each individual person and insist, like a mantra: "Nobody interferes with your visit to your father." And the point! ", - complains Galina Nikolaevna.

Surprising know what? The degree of incompetence and indifference of people working in government agencies. As you know, passes valid for the quarantine period in Moscow are divided into three types:

The first is an official electronic pass, which is available to representatives of all government agencies, as well as those to whom such passes were provided by the employer.

The second type of pass, which provides for more frequent than 2 times a week departures from the house, is a pass to visit a medical facility.

And the third type of passes - "for other purposes." It is such a pass that gives the right to travel 2 times a week.

The head of the territorial center of social protection G. Dorozhkina, apparently, thought that everyone had the same opportunities, benefits and passes as she did.

It is also surprising that the state, which cannot cope with the provision of social assistance to seriously ill patients and the elderly, for some reason impedes the work of public organizations that are ready to help. So, the Patronage Association tried to issue permanent passes to its employees, in particular nurses, but was refused. Patronage agencies and commercial social services centers are closing one after another. Due to the self-isolation regime, two commercial organizations that organize care for older people at home, the RealMedService patronage agency and the Vremya zdorovya social care center, have stopped providing services with incoming carers.

The Charity Fund “Old Age in Joy” against this background is pleasantly pleased: the specialists of this fund provide free social assistance, including with carers, in Velikiye Luki, in the Pskov Region, in Vyazma of the Smolensk Region. In Moscow, unfortunately, such assistance has not yet been provided by the fund.

“Our charitable foundation receives a lot of calls to the“ hot line ”due to the impossibility of constant care by relatives for seriously ill and very elderly people due to the current access system. Not everyone can move or transport an elderly person to themselves, and without constant care, many can simply die without any virus. It should also be taken into account that due to the crisis and the loss of many jobs, people lost the opportunity to hire carers, and carers do not have passes, so leaving relatives for the majority is the only possible option. We tried to raise the issue of the possibility of issuing permanent passes to relatives of seriously ill and elderly people who need care. Unfortunately, unlike many other questions, they didn’t find a positive response, ”said Aleksandr Kuzmicheva , coordinator of the Old Age in Joy charity foundation.

In the meantime, hundreds of old people may die not from the coronavirus, but from a lack of care and help from family and friends. “This is a problem for thousands of Muscovites! Exactly from April 13, I’m trying to reach out, get through, add to different state., Mos., Social. etc. structures. Those who have not encountered (or do not imagine) a problem with elderly relatives - with dementia, with stroke, with hip fractures, diabetics - will never understand this! They couldn’t help me or redirect me to an organization that can solve this issue! ”Galina Vasilega is indignant.

Until the issue is resolved, Galina Nikolaevna, as a spy, goes to her father without a pass, risking each time being detained by police officers, whose powers have been expanded from today.

Against the backdrop of the fight against coronavirus, authorities seem to have forgotten about all other diseases. And about people who need help for a reason no less compelling than COVID-19. Gradually, we lose these people ...

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