Olga Chetverikova: “The online education transform our children into biorobots”

Olga Chetverikova: “The online education transform our children into biorobots”

27 апреля 2020, 17:41
Ph.D. in History, Director of the Center for Geopolitics of the Institute of Fundamental and Applied Research of Moscow State University Olga Chetverikova, on the air of the YouTube channel Studio Rubezh told about what the full transition of the education “into digital” will lead to and how to counter this.

"The plunge into the new conditions occurred very sharply and rudely. At first there was a shock. But gradually people will begin to recover. Sleepers will wake up and sober up.

The good news is that all the processes that have been taking place here for a long time have become quite obvious today, they have revealed themselves. Whatever sphere we take, if we look at the projects over the past ten years, we will see that everything stated is simply being implemented now at an accelerated pace.

This is especially visible in the field of the education, because it is connected to the majority of the population. And these changes affect kindergartens, schools and higher education institutions as well.

What was talked about many years ago becomes apparent. After all, remember, no one wanted to believe in all these crazy plans!

But in fact, we are already observing the systematic transition to caste education, we see the primitivization of education. Study the Foresight project “Education 2030” and everything will become clear to you.

Our children are turned into some biorobots. Serious knowledge and programs are replaced by the tests and games; the digital assessment is introduced, the remove of the real exams is arranged, the cancellation of the communication among real people.

The goal is to finally switch to the digital profile of students. All the collected information will subsequently accompany a person throughout his life, will form the basis of the electronic work book and the entire so-called digital footprint, the entire digital profile of a citizen who is also being prepared. All this will lead to the formation of a person of service, under the performance of certain tasks.

It seems that the elite today is entirely in this virtual and therefore lives in complete isolation from real life. If the authorities really plunged into all those discussions that are taking place in the parent and teacher community in connection with the digitalization of education, they would want to run away somewhere else, just to not hear and not see it.

Now, when parents found themselves face to face with online children, and they saw firsthand what exactly they knew and understood exactly how they were taught everything, they stated that a catastrophe happened - a complete failure of the reformed school that our perestroika boasted so much about.

The collapse of the education system has been going on in Russia for 30 years. They introduced the exam, sharply lowered the standards, and so on.

Children found themselves in conditions of understated requirements, poor programs and poor methods, when there are no universal higher standards, when they focus not on quality, but on how to attract parents' money to school, to interest and entertain the child - to do whatever but just don’t really teach him.

So today's children cannot learn at all, not because they are bad or stupid, but because our education system has been brought to such an extent.

And when distance learning is added to this, we get not just collapse, but collapse in the square!

The current school has brought parents to the point that family education and upbringing has become popular. But it is clear that only a part of people can afford this. We need very serious knowledge and money to organize such a process. Private schools with their programs also need funds.

And what to do with the main group of parents and children? They were victims of this collapse of education.

And here Kuzminov and Gref just connect with their personalized digital learning projects, in which everyone will be given their own individual educational path, depending on their mental abilities and capabilities.

And who will determine these abilities and capabilities? Artificial Intelligence. And this AI will not only determine, but shape these abilities. He will “plant” everyone on the trajectory that he will automatically give him. Thus, the child will no longer have the opportunity to go beyond the designated "corridor".

In fact, digital specialists will plug a certain part of the children into such a shell of primitive coaching on skills, while other privileged children will have the opportunity to study in advanced private schools aimed at the real identification of talents.

Our citizens should have long been accustomed to the fact that if the responsible persons in the leadership declare that “we are planning”, “we are preparing” or “it would be good to do it” - this, by definition, means that all this is ready.

Therefore, when Matvienko said that it would be good to give distance education legal status, it must be understood that in fact, we are talking about making this the norm. Yes, the law on education says that you can use digital technology, but this is just such a small moment - they are used; and now it’s already being said about turning such an education into a norm.

The device is working on this. Everyone started to fuss - the Minister of Education immediately said that, yes, it is necessary to prepare the legislative framework, and the Minister of Higher Education and Science noted that from September higher education will switch to distance education.

Now, ideas and thoughts are being thrown by any means, preparing our people for the fact that all this is normal and inevitable. We see how the control of consciousness takes place before our eyes.

I appeal to all parents. Now the time has come to immerse yourself in knowledge, to study the problem, time to figure out what are the goals and objectives of what is happening, who does all this.

And then, when the quarantine situation is over - sooner or later, it will happen - it will be necessary to proceed with actions, unite through communication and joint affairs.

It will be necessary to achieve a universal open discussion of the return to traditional normal education.

In the near future this acute problem will rise to its full potential.

Parents, you and only you are responsible for the future of your children. As soon as you give them to the digital technicians - you lose them. Digital people give false values and concepts to children.

Poor teachers, too, must finally realize that by promoting the introduction of distance technology, they themselves dig a hole and sign a sentence. Teachers will simply be removed as unnecessary. Read the documents: if you wish, everything can be found in the public domain.

In the best case, they will leave several teachers who will simply be tutors who observe, without the right to intervene, the process of teaching children machines, artificial intelligence, this algorithm. Higher education institutions will face the same thing: professors will be removed, online lectures and online courses will appear in their place.

A normal school in which the best traditions of pre-revolutionary, Soviet and Russian education will be revived using the latest achievements, but on the basis of the classical form of education, it is necessary to provide legal guarantees.

Without legislative consolidation, it will be impossible to maintain and revive the traditional normal school.

A public commission for public control and various expert centers have already been formed, which are preparing a bill to return to traditional education.

But let's also remember a very important thing. Under the Education Act, it is parents who play a leading role in determining the educational content of their children.

In conditions when the destruction of traditional education is already in the final phase, parents are required to be particularly active. "They must create parental committees that will not be formal, but will have an impact on the education development strategy."
