The demand for the staff with no experience has increased during the pandemic

The demand for the staff with no experience has increased during the pandemic

28 апреля 2020, 10:30
Russians who were left without a job during the coronavirus pandemic are ready to retrain and work not within their profession. Market experts predict a decline in professional teams in large companies over the next two years.

Already there has been an increase in the number of vacancies for temporary work without qualifications.

In the regions, the ministries of labor and employment services have not yet recorded a sharp increase in unemployment, writes TASS. Recall, according to the Federal State Statistics Service, the number of unemployed in Russia in March amounted to 3.5 million people - 4.7% of the number of able-bodied citizens. At the same time, the release of employees is noted in certain sectors most affected by the epidemic. Most of those left without work are employees of food services, tourist centers, sellers of non-food products, drivers and hairdressers.

Experts point out that the increase in official unemployment is also due to the fact that those employed in the shadow sector of the economy, having lost their jobs, are registered to receive unemployment benefits. In general, there is a slowdown in job activity - on average, the number of active resumes continues to decrease by 2% per week from the beginning of last month.

- Under the current conditions, companies at first prefer to reduce staff costs by reducing salaries or by taking holidays. According to a poll, since the beginning of the current crisis, the number of employees has decreased in 20% of companies: more often than not, small companies (up to 100 employees - 24%) and the largest (over 3 thousand employees - 27%) stated this, HeadHunter noted .

Analysts of the company note that in the next six months about 12% of the companies will be reduced by staff. Another 25% are already making a cautious but negative forecast.

Across the country, employment services have noted increased demand for temporary and low-skilled jobs. According to applicants, preference is given to such vacancies, as they guarantee easy employment and quick income. In addition, some employers are even willing to train new employees.

- Demand continues to grow from the second half of March. For example, take couriers: in March, the number of such resumes on was at 19 thousand (a double increase compared with February), and in incomplete April their number reached 29 thousand. The list of the most popular vacancies with temporary work includes also drivers, warehouse employees, sorters, pickers, quality controllers and others related to the remote sale of goods and food products. The description of most temporary job vacancies contains a clause on training from day one, the agency reports the press service of HH.

Also, employers hire employees for such work without a resume. And this means that representatives of any professions can be employed.

Note that, according to the director of the My Work employment center, Roman Shkut, the unemployment rate in Moscow increased by 45% since the introduction of the non-working day regime in connection with the situation with coronavirus. At the same time, mass dismissal by companies of their employees has not yet been observed.

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