Posted 29 апреля 2020,, 13:25

Published 29 апреля 2020,, 13:25

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

More than 70 doctors died from the coronavirus in Russia

More than 70 doctors died from the coronavirus in Russia

29 апреля 2020, 13:25
Фото: Медиахолдинг 1Mi
Earlier, Russian doctors published on social networks a list of the names of their colleagues from Russia and Belarus who died from the coronavirus COVID-19.

There were more than 50 names on this list. According to Nikolai Briko, the chief freelance epidemiologist at the Ministry of Health, there are even more physicians that were killed by the coronavirus.

“Unfortunately, doctors are dying in our country and in many regions there are now multiple foci of coronavirus disease primarily in medical organizations. The number of sick doctors is growing, more than 70 have died,” RIA Novosti quotes Nikolai Briko .

According to the head of Rospotrebnadzor , chief sanitary doctor Anna Popova, tests for immunity to the coronavirus COVID-19 in Moscow showed that every fifth metropolitan doctor had this infection. It turns out that in most of them the disease went unnoticed. Just two and a half weeks ago, a medical examination was carried out for the doctors who accompanied the Sapsan train. Presumably, they talked a lot with potentially infected people and could themselves have asymptomatic COVID-19. But then immunity was found only in 3% of the examined . The difference in numbers may indicate the rapid spread of infection among physicians in recent years.

The number of cases in all of Russia per day increased to 99.3 thousand people . New cases of coronavirus infection were detected in 82 regions, over the last day another 5.8 thousand people have contracted a new disease, 2.2 thousand of which are in Moscow.