Posted 29 апреля 2020,, 13:16

Published 29 апреля 2020,, 13:16

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

NI investigation: why school principals asked to reduce their salaries and to cut off the bonuses

NI investigation: why school principals asked to reduce their salaries and to cut off the bonuses

29 апреля 2020, 13:16
On April 24, Isaac Kalina sent to the directors of Moscow schools No. 113 and No. 1788 the "NI" article "Pay up to..." On the same day, a statement was sent to the Moscow Department of Education and Science in which the directors request was stated... And it was - to reduce the salary and strip monthly bonuses.

Oleg Goryunov

The article “Pay up to...” “Moscow teachers send extortionate SMS to 10-year-old children” talked about the methods used in one of Moscow schools to repay debt for a paid circle of fine arts. The publication was made on April 21.

The next day, the press office of Depobra sent a letter to the editorial office stating that the publication of April 21 contained "inaccurate information."

April 24 at 11:26 a response to a letter from the press service was published. The response stated that the claims to “NO” are not substantiated.

Here is a concrete example of the unfounded claims, which (for technical reasons) was not included in the very answer:

From a letter to the press service, quote:

"In total, 65 paid circles work in the school (school No. 1788 - approx. The author of the article)."

And here is the order of the director of this school, published on the official website, and from which it follows that paid circles are not 65, but 74:

So, on April 24, at 11:26 a new article is published in NI, and already at 15:32 (documentary evidence is available to our editorial board), the head of the Moscow Department of Education and Science forwards it to Alexander Anatolyevich Ezdov and Oksana Aleksandrovna Laptunova - school principals whose names were mentioned in the first and second articles of our newspaper ...

After some more time, O.A. Laptunova writes by hand a statement addressed to I. Kalina: "I ask you to reduce the amount of wages and cancel the incentive payments assigned by the Order of the Department of Education and Science of Moscow."

Due to the fact that A. Ezdov received the exact same “black mark” from Isaac Kalina on April 24, at 15:32 (documentary evidence is at the disposal of our editorial office) as well as O. Laptunov, there is every reason to believe that from him the same statement was sent to Depobr about depremizing and cutting salaries.

On April 25, we asked the principal of school No. 1788 to confirm or deny this information, but so far we have not received an answer.

So why did I. Kalina punish her subordinates, and at the same time make no complaints to our publication?

One of the main assumptions is that the directors self-punished because they provoked publications about the direct material interest of the heads of educational institutions in increasing the number of paid circles.

The version that I. Kalina was tough with the two directors only because O. Laptunova offered to collect money from her parents for paid circles even during the period of self-isolation, and A. Ezdov hired an additional education supervisor (E.M. To Ivanov), who calls things by their proper names — that is, calls “knocking out money” sending an SMS with a request to pay off debts for paid school groups to underage children, and not their parents — is unlikely (an audio recording of the conversation with the aftercare director is available to the editorial office).

As a rule, the Department of Education dismisses directors for other, more prosaic reasons. In any case, this was the case with the director V. Kovshov , the director D. Tuba , the director G. Frimuchkova - the scandals in their schools and kindergarten were widely publicized, and then dismissals followed.

And exactly how much money did the directors of two Moscow schools lose?

On the websites of school No. 113 and school No. 1788 there is information about the wages of all employees, including janitors, a cloakroom worker, driver, methodologists, dispatchers, senior dispatchers, department heads, teachers, economists, supply managers, storekeepers, and even senior storekeepers, but here is information about the salary of O. Laptunova or A. Ezdov there is no.

However, according to our estimates, based on the declaration of A. Ezdov for 2018, his monthly bonus in 2020 was approximately 135 thousand rubles, and the prize of O. Laptunova was 90 thousand rubles.

The amounts are considerable, and we learned how they are formed.

In January 2018, on one of Thursdays, a weekly scheduled video conference of the directors of Moscow schools was held by the head of the Moscow Department of Education and Science, Isaak Kalina.

No one then could have imagined that this day would become the birthday of the system of additional incentives for the directors of educational institutions in Moscow due to additional classes - paid circles.

The presentation of the new system was called: "Remuneration of directors as a way to increase motivation for results."

This presentation was a real gift for all the directors of Moscow schools: at the very end of the videoconference, a pleasant surprise awaited them - this table:

The table requires clarification: depending on the total amount of money paid by parents for paid school circles during the school year, the director officially received the right to receive in 2018, starting February 1, from 3% to 3.75% per month in the form of a bonus .

In 2020, the percentage decreased, since, according to the department’s calculations, the income of school principals by that time had already increased sufficiently compared to 2018. According to the source "NI" in the capital's education system, the minimum director salary in 2020 was already 180 thousand rubles.

The state media did not write about the presentation of I. Kalina of the director’s motivation system, did not report on TV - this was considered an “internal” order, not recommended for publicity.

There is a quite reasonable explanation for this: the motivation of principals not due to victories of school students in the Olympics or other competitions in the field of knowledge, but due to an increase in the number of paid circles and the number of children attending them - many, like our source in the field of education, could count " immoral act, "and so - everything is sewn-covered.

But even if we get away from the ethical component of this story, it still turns out that the school director is “motivated” to increase the number of paid circles, and therefore to reduce the number of free circles. This is the very COMMERCIALIZATION of school education, in which school principals are ordinary entrepreneurs, but using budgetary resources.

Of course, to publicize such an approach to the education system, which is guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation as free education, is stupid and even dangerous for an official’s career.

Here is the answer to the question: why is it so strict Minister of the Government of Moscow II. Kalina dealt with two of his subordinates, thanks to whose actions, "motivation of directors" became available to hundreds of thousands of readers of the newspaper "New Izvestia".

Another important question: how voluntarily did the directors of schools No. 113 and No. 1788 take up the pen when they wrote statements in which they asked to sharply lower their incomes, and therefore the standard of living?

The fact that the principal of school No. 113 did not lose her mind, but, apparently, simply "listened to the good advice" of the head of the capital’s education, is indicated at least by the fact that the call of the author of this article, who tried to question about a strange statement, Oksana Alexandrovna, not hiding her irritation and anger, said:

"I will sue you!"

Director Ezdov answered the same question in writing, on the official letterhead of school No. 1788, asking him to refute the information contained in the articles of "NI":

Oddly enough, the answer of the ordinary director of the capital’s education to the ordinary parent of a Moscow schoolgirl described some principles of the education system in Moscow:

1. Material incentives for school directors to increase the commercial component of the education system.

2. Increase in teachers 'earnings at the expense of paid circles, which allows the mayor of Moscow to report on the growth of teachers' salaries.

3. The emptying of the pockets of Muscovites, paying for the work of any "dispatchers" of paid additional education.

We give the confirmation of these three theses. Here is what A.Ezdov writes, quote:

"The amount of the monthly payment is 2,500 rubles and does not depend on the number of lessons per month."

This is the position of the head of 4 Moscow schools and 9 kindergartens - to take money from parents, even in the case when classes in paid circles are not held. Even in the quarantine era!

Perhaps A. Ezdov had in mind the number of times a child attended classes, perhaps, but what prevented him from writing something, what did he mean?

Perhaps a poor knowledge of the Russian language is possible (the author of this article, as the parent of one of the students of school No. 1788, sent a sample letter of A. Ezdov to the Moscow Department of Education and Science asking him to check the director’s literacy).

Or maybe - this is a Freudian reservation - this is when the thought sits in one’s head about taking money from Muscovites, whatever happens in the country, and that’s it.