Andrey Fursov: “The world system is moving into a post-capitalist state”

Andrey Fursov: “The world system is moving into a post-capitalist state”

5 мая 2020, 17:30
The coronavirus epidemic will bring with it a number of completely obvious consequences: deglobalization, tightening of the control over the population, replacing the cash with non-cash, and the development of the distance education.

A well-known historian, director of the Institute for Systems and Strategic Analysis, academician of the International Academy of Sciences Andrey Fursov said this on the YouTube channel "School of Fursov Analytics" in an interview for

“If you call a spade a spade, we are now watching the crisis of the neoliberal regime.

It turned out that the neoliberal order, which, like the rest of the world, took shape in Russia after 1990, was unable to cope with such serious challenges as the epidemic. It cannot guarantee the safety of people.

And in this regard, a very simple question arises: why then do you need such a political and economic regime? He must be different.

In the field of medicine, the collapse of the neoliberal model in our country is especially obvious.

I would like to quote Professor Igor Alekseevich Gundarov, whom I greatly respect. He gave these figures: in 1990, there were 12,762 hospitals in Russia, and in 2018 - 5,257, that is, minus 60%. The number of beds decreased from 2 million 38 000 to 1 million 173 000 - that is, decreased by 43%.

I remember very well how, 8 months ago, representatives of the Moscow authorities joyfully reported on how they optimized the capital’s hospitals and how much it saved, and so on. We have optimized! Our effective managers are “over-efficient” and “domain-managed”.

Our happiness is that not everyone managed to optimize us to the end. But in the United States, Italy and Spain, where everything was in time, neoliberal medicine was received in full. The measures there are the same as ours, but there are more corpses. These are the social consequences of this epidemic. Sentence handed down by the medical regime.

We were just lucky that this virus is not so ferocious, but if it looked like a Spanish woman, what would happen then?

The current self-isolation is just a direct consequence of what effective managers have done in the field of medicine. With her goal - so that the hospitals do not have a large influx of patients, she can not cope.

By the way, I emphasize that self-isolation, of course, is just a mockery of common sense. If it was a real “self-", it would mean that I can go out wherever I want at any time, and if they can fine me for it - this, of course, is forced isolation. It is necessary to clearly call a spade a spade.

I’m not sure that at this stage we can talk about the digital gulag and the electronic concentration camp, which are often written on the Internet now, but there is no doubt about the violation of constitutional rights.

It turned out an interesting thing. Part of the population can move around as you please, while a significantly larger part is limited in movement.

The population is divided into two unequal parts. As Gogol would say: we have those who are "cleaner," and the rest of the mass.

Pandemic is also a very controversial issue. Everything that WHO says should be treated very carefully.

This organization constantly commits all sorts of somersaults. Let us not forget that a few months before the swine flu epidemic, WHO sharply lowered the criteria for determining what a pandemic is to bring an outbreak.

Coronavirus certainly exists. And, yes, it is more active than the "traditional" flu viruses. Non-biased experts say that so far the coronavirus does not go much beyond the usual viral diseases.

Moreover, he has a number of consequences that others do not have. And yet, to a large extent, we do not have a virus epidemic, but a mental epidemic, the harm from which can be significantly higher.

The world after the pandemic will certainly change.

First, the changes that have already taken place on the eve of the epidemic will significantly accelerate. And secondly, the changes that the epidemic brought with it will begin.

Deglobalization is, of course, a very strong word, but the tendency towards macroregionalization of the world has been obvious for a decade. And the epidemic will accelerate the collapse of a single system into several large macro-regions.

Further, another trend that is clearly emerging is the tightening of control over the population in almost all countries.

Since 2014, China has had a system of so-called social ratings. The achievements in the field of computer control over people very well fell into the traditional Chinese way.

And what we see now, first of all, in Moscow - all these passes and qr codes are a form of control. And I'm not at all sure that she will leave after the epidemic, as we were promised.

I'm not used to believing in power. My whole experience of living in the USSR and in post-Soviet reality indicates that everything that the authorities say must be treated with a considerable degree of mistrust and skepticism.

And from July 1 in Moscow, the so-called experiment will be added to this system of very tight control - the city will be controlled by artificial intelligence, designed for five years. If it is successful, it will be distributed throughout the country. This is a very strict form of social control.

The next trend. Since people are sitting at home in the conditions of a coronary crisis, and, accordingly, cash can be used only to a limited extent, this means that cards are being introduced more actively.

This is a long-standing dream of the world and Russian elite - to remove the cache and transfer everything to cards. And this, too, is a manifestation of very tight control over citizens. This means that the money is not with you, but with the bank, the state, etc.

And there is one more thing that is doubly unpleasant for me, as a person who has been teaching in higher education since 1972: this is an emphasis on the development of distance education .

I am opposed to total distance education.

Education is a personal process, it involves the presence of a teacher who enters into personal contact with the student. There can be no training outside of personal contact.

I'm not talking about the mass of technical difficulties that arise with distance education. For example, when taking exams. This is pure profanity.

Of course, I understand why all this is needed - in order to simplify and weaken education as such. Because managing and manipulating uneducated people is much easier.

Quite frankly, German Gref recently spoke about this in St. Petersburg as part of the Economic Forum. According to him, it is impossible to manipulate people who are educated and have access to information.

Distance education is one of the means of breaking education.

But now many parents and specialists have opposed this. And even there was some impression that the government, it seems, had backed up. We will see.

Thus, these four trends - deglobalization, tightening control, replacing the cache with non-cash, and the development of distance education - these are just a number of completely obvious consequences that the coronavirus brought with it.

Of course, these processes would go on, but more slowly. And here turned up an opportunity to intimidate people, arrange a psychosis and push it all under the slogans of "security." We are told that all this is “for your good”, “our soul hurts about all of you.”

So it went at an accelerated pace. The viral epidemic, multiplied by the mental epidemic, was used to implement a number of processes.

There is even nothing to talk about the economic and financial component of the issue - orders for firms for cameras, technical support, and so on. It is clear that someone will make very good money on this and will share it with someone.

The post-capitalist world will be fundamentally different from the capitalist one.

In the center of the capsystem, as you know, capital is its system-forming element. Capital is a materialized labor that realizes itself as self-increasing value.

Since the decisive role now takes on what Marx called the spiritual factors of production - science, education, information flows, which are becoming more important than materialized labor, it is natural that in the post-community they should be taken under the control of the top.

So, instead of control over purely “material things”, we must move on to control education, human behavior, science, and, of course, resources that, given the current population, we are convinced will be clearly lacking.

And this transition of the world system to a post-capitalist state requires the destruction of the old education system, that is, the debilitation of the population, when real education will remain for only a small percentage of people - and a number of other things.

Everything happened incredibly fast now. In my opinion, governments would never have been able to agree among themselves on such prompt joint actions. Of course, multinational corporations are involved here, as well as closed supranational groups that develop strategies ...

In any case, it seems to me that it is not necessary to demonize these forces, to perceive these persons as villains, like some kind of Immortal Koshcheev who come up with insidious plans ...

Evil, you know, is banal. People just solve their problems”
