Rospotrebnadzor proposed to stop separate garbage collection

Rospotrebnadzor proposed to stop separate garbage collection

8 мая 2020, 11:32
Rospotrebnadzor specialists believe that coronavirus can potentially be located on any recycled item, since many infected people are treated at home Therefore, they recommended to suspend separate collection of garbage during the coronavirus pandemic.

- When processing recyclables, as well as when sorting mixed waste, there is a risk of infection of the enterprise personnel and pollution of the production environment. At the time of a pandemic coronavirus infection it is recommended to suspend the separate collection of waste - RIA Novosti published a message of Rospotrebnadzor (Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing).

The press service noted that the coronavirus is unstable to the environment and dies after three days, so with proper packaging of waste, it will die in three days and will not cause damage.

Previously, Rospotrebnazor made recommendations on a double trash bag.

Recall that the Ministry of Natural Resources suggested making garbage collection and recycling free for Russians sorting waste. The department also said that individuals who received income from the delivery or sale of recyclables should be exempted from personal income tax. In addition, the ministry asked the authorities to subsidize regional waste management operators in the amount of 30 billion rubles to avoid garbage collapse amid the spread of coronavirus.

It should be noted that separate collection of garbage has already been suspended in Europe. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 74 thousand residents of Italy announced a temporary refusal to sort waste. The rules for garbage collection were relaxed in Germany too - there all the garbage, except for glass containers, began to be dumped in bins for non-recyclable waste. Waste sorting and processing centers closed in France, and in the UK they called for packing garbage in two bags and throwing it away no earlier than a day later.

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