Government services Gosuslugi collapsed right after Putin’s promise to pay 10 thousand rubles for each child

Government services Gosuslugi collapsed right after Putin’s promise to pay 10 thousand rubles for each child

12 мая 2020, 23:21
The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications (Minkomsvyaz) announced the launch of an online service with which you can apply for a one-time payment in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. for children aged three to 16 years. After several hours, the service was unavailable.

Oleg Goryunov

Thus, the promise of the President of Russia that: “as early as May 12, 22 million Russians will have the opportunity to begin issuing financial assistance, the start of which is scheduled for delivery on June 1,” remained unfulfilled.

Возглавляет Минкомсвязь 37-летний Николай Анатольевич Никифоров

Of course, such an unfavorable combination of circumstances aroused concern among people, especially since the Russians considered this point the most positive in Vladimir Putin’s speech on May 11 — direct assistance to families with children from 3 to 16 years old.

It is noteworthy that on its page on the page on social networks, the Ministry of Communications recently suggested that users evaluate the portal, but 465 participants in this action did not vote exactly as the organizers of the public opinion poll had expected.

Вместо "пятерки" Минкомсвязи получил "неуд"

The Ministry of Communications and Mass Media quickly reformatted grading for work to “receive recommendations.”

Страница Госуслуги в Фейсбуке

The department of Nikolai Nikiforov promised that you can apply for the appointment of a lump-sum payment until October 1 of this year. I would like to hope that IT specialists will cope with a technical error faster than physicians with coronavirus.

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