Most of Russians questioned the quality of the distance education

Most of Russians questioned the quality of the distance education

14 мая 2020, 10:57
Only 23% of citizens praised the distance learning platform in schools. The vast majority believe that the "distance" prevents students from preparing for the final exams.

The quality of preparation for final exams has become the main fear of graduates and their parents, RBC reports , referring to a survey conducted by the research company Wanta Group.

According to the survey, 42% of citizens said they were afraid of poor-quality preparation for the final tests. 28% admitted that they see a risk of not entering the desired educational institution. Final exams are afraid of 22% of respondents. 21% of respondents predict the difficulty of finding a job after graduation. 18% are afraid of transferring entrance exams to universities.

The fact that self-isolation interferes with preparing for exams, said 81% of the survey participants. The main reason that respondents called is the quality of the distance platforms that students offer. However, young people rely on the opportunity to prepare for exams in conditions of self-isolation and transfer of exams. 70% of respondents aged 18-24 believe that students will be able to better prepare for exams if they are rescheduled. This opinion is shared by 51% of respondents over 45 years old.

Less than half - 49% - believe that the current situation will not play a role for concessions to applicants. 43% are confident that entering universities will be much more difficult this year.

Recall that a single state exam (USE) was again transferred. The exact date is not yet known, however, it is known that the OGE in the Russian language and mathematics for students of the ninth grades will be canceled altogether. Earlier, the head of the Ministry of Education, Mikhail Murashko, said that the exam could be held only at the end of summer, or even in September. However, experts pointed out that such a transfer will leave students without holidays, and in this case the beginning of the school year in universities will be postponed until November.

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