An emergency mode is introduced in Krasnodar Territory due to the frosts

An emergency mode is introduced in Krasnodar Territory due to the frosts

15 мая 2020, 17:54
The administration of Krasnodar Territory introduced an emergency regime in the region due to adverse weather conditions. It will spread to 15 municipalities.

This information is provided in the resolution of the governor, which was posted on the portal of the executive authorities of the Kuban. The document explains that due to the frosts that were observed in the second half of last month and at the beginning of April, inflorescences, flowers and ovaries of fruit crops were lost and damaged.

According to Infox, as a result, the damage was caused to gardens located on an area of over 19 thousand hectares. Experts expect a significant drop in yield now: pome crops by 60% compared with the level of 2019, stone fruits - 80%.

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