Moscow City Hall plans envisage mass chipping of Muscovites by 2030

Moscow City Hall plans envisage mass chipping of Muscovites by 2030

20 мая 2020, 10:45
Film director Nikita Mikhalkov uselessly accuses Bill Gates of cunning plans for chipping Russians and turning them into biorobots in the uncertain future. The official document of the Moscow Mayor's Office that was posted on the official website, promises to implant a special device for every Muscovite by 2030.

Sergey Lvov

So, on this hyperlink - - we open the site of the City Hall, getting into the section titled the Development Areas of the Smart City of Moscow. Human and Social Capital.

We read the second paragraph of the document:

"A personal approach to the provision of medical care to citizens will be based on the analysis of data from wearable devices of patients (highlighted by us - ed.), Electronic case histories, biometric and genetic parameters that will be processed using AI, which will predict the risk of diseases, as well as diagnose and treat them in the early stages".

What kind of devices are these is not yet clear. In cardiology, for example, computers that have been wearable for 24 hours have been used already for a long time and record the blood pressure and pulse of a patient every hour. But this is a temporary monitoring, which is necessary for the doctor to correctly diagnose and choose a treatment method.

We read the document further and see more concretization in the subsection "Strategic directions" (referring to medicine):

"Remote diagnosis and health monitoring:

The growth trend of life expectancy and aging of the population will lead to the mass provision of remote health monitoring services;

24-hour monitoring of the health of Muscovites through wearable wireless devices will improve the quality and efficiency of medical care".

From this clarification, it is already clear that this is not about a one-time examination with the device, which you simply carry on your chest, and then give it back, but about the device, which is around the clock (read - constantly) with you.

The natural question is where will it be? In your jacket pocket? On the belt? Or ...somewhere inside a person? Do not rush to the choice. The devices in the City Hall document are different and in the plural (sensors, sensors, transmitters ...). Some are supposed to be mounted in smart clothes. And they will ..."send a signal to the city medical information-analytical system in advance", which will know your location, travel routes, lifestyle, nature of food, food and drink to the nearest meter. And all this in order to, in the event of "a deterioration in health or a sudden accident, call a doctor at home or an ambulance at the scene."

However, a person’s clothing, even if very “smart,” can be removed and even thrown away. From the point of view of the authors of the plan, this is undoubtedly the wrong thing and testifying to the patient’s mental disorders. And here "the medical digital devices implanted into the body for the treatment of cognitive and other disorders" come to the rescue of the very tracking SYSTEM .

If anyone does not know, then recall: cognitive disorders relate to diseases of the brain and human psyche. They are planned to be treated with the help of nanorobots the size of a blood cell, which will function INSIDE the human body.

The authors of the document did not want to call nanorobots "chips". But the abilities of these "researchers" of the brain and blood involve the accumulation and transmission of information, as well as the impact on people's behavior. In terms of its functions, this is a CHIP.

Thus, the carrier of the chip becomes not just a chipized subject, but also controlled from a specific center.

Considering the ease with which the most healthy citizen can find cognitive impairment (what if he went to a rally? Or even worse, it requires fair elections and a transparent budget?), Chipping from the medical sphere will turn into socio-political.

Futurologists from the city hall, however, plan not only to collect medical information about each of us, but also to share it with others - for example, with insurance companies.

"Based on the data on the lifestyle and health of Muscovites received from sensors, insurance companies will calculate the size of insurance payments", - it's directly said on the official website of the City Hall.

But the appetite for other people's secrets comes with food! And why only insurance companies should poke their noses in our brains and insides? Surely there will be interesting people from other departments - from security officers and policemen to publicans and merchants. Falling into the hands of crime databases is also not excluded, given the regular discharge of databases on the black market.

And let no nanorobots delving into the organisms of Russians have not yet been invented. But judging by the intentions of the mayor's office, such innovations are no longer fiction.

By the way, "The Development Trends of the Smart City of Moscow" were not discussed or accepted by any general public or independent experts.

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