Rospotrebnadzor: risk groups will be the first to be vaccinated against coronavirus

22 мая 2020, 10:47
If there is no production opportunity to make many doses of the vaccine at once, then those who are at risk will be vaccinated against coronavirus first, said Anna Popova, the head of the Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing (Rospotrebnadzor).

Now the issue of increasing production capacity is being studied.

- It is difficult to develop a large amount of vaccine immediately. If there is no production opportunity to do a lot at once, then according to general rules, risk groups are first vaccinated. If there is such an opportunity, and today it is being worked out at the state level, then we can develop a vaccine for most of the population of the Russian Federation, - Anna Popova said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

The risk group includes senior citizens and those who have chronic diseases. One of the most vulnerable populations is people with kidney disease.

Recall that today in Russia 47 vaccines are being developed from C OVID-19 on 14 platforms. Information about 24 test systems is included in the state register of medical devices and organizations that manufacture medical devices.

Earlier it was said that the vaccine against coronavirus was created by scientists of the National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Gamalei. The director of the center, Alexander Gunzburg, said that vaccine production could begin by the end of summer.

Anna Popova pointed out that it is completely impossible to cancel restrictive measures in connection with the coronavirus pandemic until an effective vaccine for the disease is created.

Now in Russia the number of patients with coronavirus is equal to 317,554. As of May 21, the increase in detected cases amounted to 8,849. Over the entire period of pandemics, 3,099 people died from coronavirus.

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