Sakhalin medical workers without special education were not paid allowances

Sakhalin medical workers without special education were not paid allowances

22 мая 2020, 10:49
The lack of special education among medical workers at the Central Regional Hospital in the city of Dolinsk, where patients with coronavirus are brought, became the reason not pay them bonuses for the fight against the pandemic.

The prosecutor’s check “on the observance of the rights of workers of the Dolinsky Central District Hospital when receiving stimulating cash payments for working with patients who have a coronavirus infection” revealed violations.

- It has been established that contrary to the law, 14 incentive payments were not made to 14 employees of the institution for April in the amount of 415 thousand rubles. due to their lack of special education, the press service of the department said.

However, these employees were also allowed to work and contacted infected patients and people at risk.

The prosecutor's office made a presentation on eliminating violations of the rights of employees of a medical institution.

We recall that earlier the Sakhalin authorities decided to restrict entry into the region. From May 27, it will be possible to enter the territory of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands only with a certificate of the absence of coronavirus infection.

In addition, the South Kuril Islands announced the introduction of an emergency regime after the first case of coronavirus infection.

To date, 64 cases of COVID-19 infection have been identified in the region. No fatalities have been reported.

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