Moscow and the Moscow Region overcame the peak of coronavirus, other regions - not yet

Moscow and the Moscow Region overcame the peak of coronavirus, other regions - not yet

24 мая 2020, 12:22
Moscow and the Moscow Region are the only regions in Russia that have already passed the peak of coronavirus incidence, in other regions it will come within the next one or two weeks, told RIA Novosti Agasi Tavadyan, the candidate of economic sciences, expert of the Center for Economic Research.

“The peak of the coronavirus was only Moscow and Moscow region. The main reason for this is that since the end of April in the metropolitan area the number of tests has increased significantly. On the one hand, the number of cases increased, on the other hand, cases were detected and isolated at the earliest stages. The percentage of asymptomatic carriers of the virus has grown. As a result, the peak came earlier (it was forecasted in the last week of May - ed.), And then the recession began. An increase in the number of people tested and subsequent isolation of the virus carriers led to a decrease in the spread of the disease, ”Tavadyan said.

According to expert estimates, in the Northwestern Federal District, in particular, St. Petersburg, as well as in the North Caucasus Federal District, will have a long plateau, and then a smooth and prolonged decline in the number of cases. It is highly likely that the decrease in the incidence rate will last until the end of summer, RIA Novosti reports.

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