All data about the Russians will be collected in a single register

All data about the Russians will be collected in a single register

25 мая 2020, 23:50
For two years, the State Duma has been debating about a law providing for the creation of the Unified Federal Information Register. Not only many deputies brought their arguments against, but also representatives of the special services, who were afraid of leaks of all information at once.

But the law was still adopted.

All the basic data on Russian citizens that the state collects, starting with acts of civil registry offices, will fall into a single register. It is clear that in the event of a leak to cybercriminals or foreign spies, they will no longer receive separate information, but the entire “package” of information about the citizen, so even before the third reading a number of deputies asked to remove the issue from the vote. They also insisted that the draft was contrary to the Constitution and the law "On Personal Data" already adopted earlier.

Chairman of the Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications Alexander Khinshtein in an interview with called these fears in vain. According to him, all the information that falls into the Unified Federal Information Register is already in different databases, nothing new will be added to them. Also, despite the fact that the tax authorities will store the data, the register will not have information about taxes, nor about incomes, nor about the size of pensions, as well as no data on the state of health, biometric data and data on QR codes.

But, according to Alexander Khinshtein, the state will now be able to more clearly predict the development of the country, and citizens will not have to carry documents in a circle in case of any changes, say, passport changes - the register will issue them automatically. Automatically the same child benefits will be calculated. Also, a citizen will receive the right to check all the information collected about him and inform if he finds any mistake. However, inside this base there will be one more, internal, connected with the activity of power structures.

The data will be located in the data center, tested and tested for safety by authorized bodies, primarily the FSB. The Federal Tax Service, however, was chosen as the place of storage because not once in its entire history have there been any leaks of citizens' data, while the tax authorities have the most "advanced" digital capabilities. Access to the register will be given to all state bodies, but only within the framework of their competence. For example, educators will not see data associated, for example, with the compulsory medical insurance number. Notaries will not receive access to the database, but they have the right to send requests to obtain the information they need.

“The tax service wants to have maximum information not only about the income of a particular person, but also all of his relatives”, - commented Sergei Zelenov, head of the tax committee of the Moscow branch of the public support organization “Support of Russia” , on a single register . - This registry will indicate kinship and other ties. The tax will be able to see the totality of the household, taking into account real estate and vehicles. Not declaring something or referring to the fact that it was a gift from a relative will be more difficult for taxpayers who want to avoid paying personal income tax . But it will be a big problem and a big trouble if the data from this system gets to the attacker. There will be full information about the person, and God forbid, if this information gets to attackers and simply unscrupulous comrades. In fact, this will be the disclosure of the whole life of a person or his entire family.

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