“Go and learn the text”: Mikhalkov’s father, unlike his son, communicated with the enemies without the obscenities

“Go and learn the text”: Mikhalkov’s father, unlike his son, communicated with the enemies without the obscenities

26 мая 2020, 00:00
While the fabulist and songwriter Sergei Mikhalkov was able to speak witty and decent about his opponents, his son Nikita did not inherit this ability.

The author of the Russian anthem, Sergei Mikhalkov, somehow sarcastically “destroyed” Yevgeny Yevtushenko, but his younger son Nikita Mikhalkov could not find a censored word in his vocabulary to speak about the editor-in-chief of Moskovkiy komsomolets newspaper Pavel Gusev.

Angelica Dean

Moreover, Nikita Sergeyevich still had enough upbringing to turn to you for an older age Vladimir Pozner, or to spare the priest George Maximov. But in relation to the journalist Gusev, the director in his program “Posner, priest Gapone and the magic swan-geese” could not resist.

Me, while listening to his “Besogon. Without censorship and exemptions”, recalled the skirmish in the Central House of Writers in 2005, between Mikhalkov’s father - Sergei Mikhalkov and poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko. An evening of Georgian poetry with a presentation of the collection was conducted by Sergei Mikhalkov. When Yevtushenko tried to speak, Mikhalkov said two words: "Shut up - you". Yevtushenko was taken aback and dutifully sank into a chair. The hostility between Mikhalkov and Yevtushenko is long-standing. Both participated in the competition for verses of the anthem, and Mikhalkov won. Andrei Voznesensky recalled how the three of them rode in the elevator (Voznesensky also participated in the contest) and said to Yevtushenko: “Frankly, my poems are still much better than yours!” Mikhalkov paused and left on his floor, said: "Go and learn the text".

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