New assistance to the population was not included into the 8 trillion rubles plan for economic recovery

New assistance to the population was not included into the 8 trillion rubles plan for economic recovery

27 мая 2020, 16:23
The plan for economic recovery prepared by the authorities, which includes 8 trillion rubles, does not include new assistance to citizens, as well as small and medium-sized businesses.

The plan is designed for 2020-2021, according to Vedomosti. Of the 8 trillion rubles laid down in the plan, 6 trillion falls on budget expenditures and lost revenues, and 2 trillion on investments, including extrabudgetary, in infrastructure. The total amount includes previously approved measures to help people and businesses. Also over 700 billion rubles. still not worked out government “breakthrough initiatives” will cost.

The most expensive sections of the plan along with infrastructure projects were support for industries and regions - more than one and a half trillion and one trillion rubles, respectively. At the same time, the plan does not speak of new support for small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as support for the population.

The plan should be submitted to the presidential administration on June 1. During the discussion, some suggestions may be excluded.

Note that against the background of the current crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, unemployment is record-breaking in the last decade in Russia. The Ministry of Economic Development announced that more Russians may be left without work than in the crisis of 2014.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic in Russia , more than 200 thousand citizens have already been unemployed, a third of them have minor children. As of May 1, over 1.24 million Russians are officially considered unemployed.

At the same time, the authorities intend to reduce unemployment by the end of next year to 5% and accelerate the pace of the economy to 2.5%. It is planned to increase investments by 4.5%, and raise salaries by 2.5%.

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