Coronavirus became a trump card in a geopolitical war

Coronavirus became a trump card in a geopolitical war

30 мая 2020, 18:34
In Japan, virologists directly point to the military sabotage mission of the "Chinese virus": it "lives" equally well in almost 200 countries in different climates. Therefore, it was "created as a weapon"! The Japanese have a lot of experience with this.

Vladimir Lukov

This "military sabotage" conclusion confirms the infection of hundreds of people (!) Of the naval personnel of the United States, Britain and France. Even on submarines the Britons in the Atlantic and the French in the Mediterranean without surfacing since December!

It is strange that there is no data on similar in the Russian Navy, China. Although secrecy is the mother of any war in disinformation of the enemy.

The CPC Central Committee is “famous” for its special secrecy! It was there after the change of presidents of the PRC Disputes arose over the choice of a model for the development of the “country and the world.” Either this is Mao mobilization (police force and repression of the rebellious), or modernization according to Bill Gates. In 2006, he donated 1.6 billion Windows boxes to President Hu Jintao for the development of the digital economy!

Then, Elon Musk decided to enhance the effect of "digitalization" precisely in Wuhan and its "environs" within a radius of 1000 km. - as a result, the positions of Beijing and Shanghai have staggered against the backdrop of the rapid growth of the digital.

They were both in Beijing and in Wuhan, like some kind of poles - “mobilization” and “modernization” with IT and “artificial intelligence” at the ready against the dogma of Maoism.

In this “bag” of problems with the ideology of “progress”, the “fifth generation” of Maoists successfully “communized” G-5 Internet technology (IT) in the USA in neighboring Canada! And they successfully drove her to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson! Although President Trump asked him not to buy stolen goods!

But for the Britons, the temptation to secure a profitable exit from the EU has taken its toll! Then the insidious virus and "got into the business"! This sewed a political struggle, implicated, by the way, on the dag-scratch strategy, and crawled out of the ideological bag at the May 25 meeting .

The essence of the quarantine showdown is as follows. In just a couple of months, Beijing quarantined the zealous supporters of "Second Taiwan" in Wuhan with a "wallet" in Hong Kong from power in 25 provinces.

After that, from all provinces in the "zone of infection with radicalism" from Hubei and Wuhan (by the way, the capital of China under Chiang Kai-shek until 1948), the Beijing commies lifted quarantine. Moreover, what a humanism! Girls raped in quarantine will not be fined for violation of self-isolation!

Hong Kong is a “litmus test” in Beijing’s struggle not only with too quick Wuhan, but also ... Trump! The introduction of a new security law in Hong Kong destroys the former autonomy of this trade payment center between the United States and China. That's why Trump said that a major trade deal concluded with Xi in January would freeze until next year when Hong Kong was deprived of its former status!

It's funny that even Romania was “in business” with Trump: on May 27, its Prime Minister Orban terminated the contract for the Chinese to build two reactors at the Romanian Chernavoda NPP (transaction value of 35 billion euros!).

Trump's creation of the Space Force on May 15 and the launch of Ilon Mask (the “founding father” of “digitalizing” China through Wuhan since 2015) this weekend a manned spacecraft is also a means of US Soft Power against the Chinese quarantine consequences. We will continue to look at these consequences, and not chew on the fears of the Cold War and the weal-stupidity with the "quarantine" of Sobyanin that everyone are already fed up with?
