Question of the day: how many people suffered from the wearing of masks?

Question of the day: how many people suffered from the wearing of masks?

30 мая 2020, 02:02
Wearing masks during a pandemic has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the lungs and cardiovascular system.

Psychologist Ramil Garifullin asked in his blog the question of what the consequences of wearing a medical mask may be:

“In the federal media, I was not able to find information that the long-term wearing of a medical mask on the street or indoors leads to the accumulation of hypoxia and aggravation of cardiovascular, as well as other life-threatening diseases. Only now this information began to leak out, but not in the federal media. Some masked men even managed to work with powerful labor physical exertion, as well as to run crosses. They risked "earning" pneumothorax. And therefore, there are many deaths caused not only by pneumothorax, but also by other diseases that are aggravated by wearing a mask.

I myself also tried to walk in a mask, but after 15 minutes I felt uncomfortable. Later, having examined all the manipulations that were around the coronavirus, he objectively assessed the danger and stopped wearing the mask altogether. If he wore it, then for the sake of the police and without covering his nose. Fortunately, most Russians were saved by not covering their noses with a mask and breathing their noses freely!

Therefore, I turn to medical scientists and physiologists. Take on the topic "Statistics of diseases and mortality caused by wearing medical masks during the period of mass anti-coronavirus self-isolation of Russians in 2020." This is a hot topic! This objective research will save many lives in the future.

From my point of view, wearing a mask is recommended only in crowded places and for a short period of time.

During self-isolation, many Russians were hospitalized with lung problems. What is the statistics of the contribution from problems with wearing medical masks to the overall statistics of mortality from coronavirus, time will tell. But the fact that wearing masks aggravated the work of the lungs and the cardiovascular system is a fact! I would not be surprised that significant mortality was associated with the wearing of medical masks..."

The psychologist’s fears were also confirmed by the head of the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology of the First Sechenov Moscow State Medical University, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vitaliy Zverev, who told Interfax that “ prolonged wearing of masks and gloves can lead to fungal diseases and bronchial asthma. Their wearing is justified in crowded places, but on the street it’s not only useless, but also harmful...

From the editor:

From personal experience, as an asthmatic, I can testify: wearing a mask for people with lung problems is a torture! Five minutes later, we, asthmatics and patients with COPD, experience hypoxia, clouding in our brains, and even our eyesight drops sharply... And if healthy people can still endure (though not very long) these muzzles, then we who suffer because of the chronic pulmonary ailments - not at any price! So, colleagues in misfortune, think triply, whether you should lose consciousness by dropping your head on the asphalt before you put on your mask on the street and walk briskly to the fresh air!

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