Los Angeles Mayor knelt in fron of the protesters

Los Angeles Mayor knelt in fron of the protesters

4 июня 2020, 00:00
Thousands of protesters surrounded the house of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garsetti (pictured), expressing protests against police violence and racism. While addressing the demonstrators, the head of the city knelt in front of them, asking them to stop the riots.

The mayor imposed a curfew from six in the evening until six in the morning.

Residents in various cities in the United States came to mass protests after an African American from Minneapolis George Floyd died in a police station. He was brutally detained by a local police officer, knocking him to the ground and crushing his neck with his knee. One of the organizers of the demonstrations said the rallies would continue until all those responsible for the death of an African American police officer were brought to justice. Derek Chauvin and three other police officers involved in the tragedy were fired a day after the incident. Chauvin was arrested on Friday, he is accused of murder. The three other suspects were not charged, NewsWeek writes.

Earlier, US President Donald Trump said he would be ready to send thousands of military personnel if local authorities themselves were unable to deal with the unrest in their cities. Trump threatened to quickly solve this problem. After his speech, police applied tear gas to the demonstrators to clear Trump's road in Washington. A few hours after the president’s statement, protesters set fire to a mall in Los Angeles.

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