A martial law regime introduced in Beijing area due to the coronavirus infection

A martial law regime introduced in Beijing area due to the coronavirus infection

13 июня 2020, 23:52
The martial law regime was introduced in the Fengtai region in southern Beijing due to the fact that a coronavirus infection was detected in one of the largest wholesale markets in the capital of China, Xinfadi.

This was announced by the deputy party committee of the metropolitan area Chu Junwei.

"The martial law regime has been introduced in the Fengtai area, an operational headquarters has been created", RIA Novosti quoted an official as saying.

According to him, tight control is again introduced in 11 residential complexes located around the market. Near the market are three schools and three kindergartens, which recently opened after a long quarantine. Now they will be closed again, and educational institutions that have not yet resumed their work after lifting restrictive measures will remain closed until the epidemiological situation in the metropolitan area is normalized, Junwei said.

According to the deputy head of the district, coronavirus tests were taken from 517 market visitors, and they gave a positive result in 45 people, although none of them showed symptoms of the disease.

The day before, in Beijing, the coronavirus was detected in three residents of the PRC capital. It turned out that they all visited the Xinfadi market. Before that, not a single case of infection was registered in the city for almost two months.

The market was closed on June 13 after an epidemiological investigation found COVID-19 on a cutting board for imported salmon. The market management intends to test all employees, the number of which reaches almost 10 thousand.

For the first time, a new infection became known at the end of December last year. The center of the spread of a new type of coronavirus, later called COVID-19, was the Chinese city of Wuhan, from where it quickly spread throughout the world. The epidemic of coronavirus in March, WHO recognized as a pandemic. In China, they managed to cope effectively with the spread of COVID-19 by taking tough measures. Now China is on the 18th place in the world in the number of people infected with coronavirus.

According to the latest data, in total in China there are about 84.2 thousand patients, 4.6 thousand patients died.

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