The shooting of Avatar-2 started in New Zealand

The shooting of Avatar-2 started in New Zealand

15 июня 2020, 23:43
After a break due to the lockdown, James Cameron and his actors returned to work on the sequel.

The Guardian reports that work on Avatar-2, shooting of which was interrupted in March, is starting again in New Zealand today.

Irina Ziganshina

The film crew was forced to suspend work on the continuation of the fantastic action movie shortly before the New Zealand authorities announced the introduction of strict isolation measures. And two weeks ago, even before the country opened the borders for all visitors, the film crew, including director James Cameron, received special permission to enter.

This decision of the authorities did not go unnoticed by the locals. Despite the fact that New Zealand managed to suppress the outbreak: new cases of infection have not been recorded here for 25 days, - in the country that has removed all other restrictions, border control is still in effect. In conditions when entry into the country is limited and often even families separated by a pandemic cannot reunite, many considered the special conditions for Cameron, producer John Landau and dozens of members of the film crew to be injustice.

However, producer Landau believes that New Zealand will benefit from their presence: filming will allow 400 temporary workers from among local residents to be hired, and Avatara intends to spend more than $ 70 million in the country over the next five months.

The amazingly beautiful nature of New Zealand with its mountains, meadows and forests became famous thanks to the Lord of the Rings trilogy. In recent years, more and more film crews have come to the country, including from Hollywood. Now the process has stopped for obvious reasons, but the authorities hope that this will not last long, including because New Zealand was one of the first in the world to overcome the coronavirus.

As for Avatar-2, the premiere of the film, which will play Kate Winslet, Vin Diesel, Sam Waterton, Zoe Saldana and Sigourney Weaver, is scheduled for 2021. Three more sequels are due out before 2027.

In the photo, director James Cameron and producer John Landau arrive in New Zealand, where the shooting of the Avatar sequel is resumed (photo: Lightstorm Entertainment / Reuters)

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