Posted 18 июня 2020, 09:33

Published 18 июня 2020, 09:33

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Amid the racial protests Uncle Ben's brand will change the logo with African-American

18 июня 2020, 09:33
Mars Corporation, the owner of Uncle Ben's popular brand of boiling rice and sauces, has announced plans to change the brand’s logo with an senior African-American to stand out in the fight against “racial prejudice and injustice”.

The corporation said that “now is the right time to develop” Uncle Ben's brand and changes, including visual ones, reports NBC News with reference to the press-release of Mars.

The company has not yet announced what the new logo will be and how soon it will appear.

Amid mass protests overwhelming the United States, the corporation claims that as a global brand, "it is responsible for helping put an end to racial prejudice and injustice".

"Racism has no place in society. We support the African-American community, our partners and partners in the fight for social justice", - is said in the press-release of Mars Corporation.

As follows from a publication on Uncle Ben's website, the brand was founded in the 1940s. The prototype depicted on the logo of an elderly African American was a real person - Frank Brown, who was the head waiter of an expensive restaurant in Chicago.

A little earlier published statement by Mars, PepsiCo announced that it intends to change the logo of its brand Aunt Jemima, under which syrups are produced. The reasons are similar. The brand logo is also an image of a black American. PepsiCo Corp. Explains Its Decision Against Racial Prejudice.

Massive protests against racism and police brutality against African Americans began in the United States on May 25 after the death of 46-year-old Minneapolis resident George Floyd. The police officer applied a strangulation to the detainee, after which Floyd died in the hospital. Soon, protests began outside the United States.
