Dmitry Klein: “Thanks to the protests America is becoming more human!”

Dmitry Klein: “Thanks to the protests America is becoming more human!”

21 июня 2020, 23:54
American society - both its democratic wing and conservative to one degree or another - generally recognizes and understands the need to increase the level of humanization of relations in society.

Journalist Dmitry Klein summed up on his blog intermediate, and as it turned out, very optimistic results of American events:

“I don’t really like posts on an openly political topic, so I apologize in advance, but here, in the picture, I think it’s just a textbook example of political demagogy, and demagogy is dangerous - especially at that level.

Все протестующие, анархисты, агитаторы, мародеры и подонки, которые идут сейчас в Оклахому, пожалуйста, поймите, с вами там не станут обращаться так, как раньше в Нью-Йорке, Сиэтле или Миннеаполисе. Это будет совсем другая история...

If I’m not mistaken, no one has yet taken away citizens' right to a free assembly and peaceful protests in the United States (exactly, by the way, as well as freedom of opinion - anarchists are a completely political position, except perhaps from the perspective of people from the century before last. can be assessed as criminal) - it seems like this is directly indicated in the first amendment, right?

Interestingly, and people who support Trump will like it if they are put on a par with racists, white suprematists, extremists and other crazy people? However, the question is rhetorical, and this is not at all about the insult to such a series, but literally about the attitude of the head of state to the constitutional rights of citizens.

We are now witnessing amazing events “live” - on the one hand, over the past week we have seen the Supreme Court with the participation of conservative judges, which is indicative, made two decisions at once, which, from my point of view, can be directly called progressive:

First of all, I mean the recognition that the 1964 federal law on civil rights prohibiting discrimination on the basis of gender also applies to representatives of the LGBT community, and from this day in the United States it is forbidden to discriminate against gay and transgender people in the workplace. Typically, on Monday June 15, 2020, six out of nine judges voted for this decision, including Judge Neil Gorsach and John Roberts, also nominated by the Republicans, appointed at the proposal of Donald Trump.

And secondly, the fact that the US Supreme Court on Thursday, June 18, blocked the cancellation of the DACA program (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals - Deferred Action Program for moving children), which the Trump administration insisted on. Thus, the Supreme Court confirmed the protection of almost 800 thousand young immigrants, who are also called "dreamers" ("dreamers"), illegally brought into the country by their parents in childhood, from deportation.

And all this happened against the backdrop of ongoing protests against police arbitrariness and racism throughout the country.

Personally, I’m interested in the following - I consider all this in aggregate - both the protests and these decisions - as a sign of the increasing demand of citizens for the humanization of society and government. Moreover, what is interesting - as a matter of fact, such a request is not entirely in line with the usual political processes, but is a sign of the general development of public interests - which, in my opinion, is confirmed by the participation in the adoption of progressive and humane decisions by representatives of the conservative side - judges nominated for post at one time by republicans.

That is, from my point of view, American society, both its democratic wing and conservative to one degree or another, generally recognizes and understands the need to increase the level of humanization of relations in society.

And this is gradually taking place - albeit difficult and difficult, but - America is becoming more humane.

And now, against the background of these processes, the president writes another tweet, which, firstly, looks like a frank attack on the first amendment to the American constitution (which deals with guarantees and freedom of assembly, and freedom of opinion - this is about “agitators”) and secondly, as a conscious provocation to exacerbate the already high level of schism and contention in society.

Ok, surely the people who supported and support Trump, as a politician, will come up with a “correct” explanation for what the president is trying to say or do in this way (or prefer again just not to notice the problem), ok.

But I can definitely say that, in my opinion, Trump is not doing it now - he does not contribute to the humanization of America with this statement. And here, it seems, his course diverges from the general course of American society.

Let's see how much - in November.

Sorry, my American friends for such an attitude, I hope you understand me, but it will be very interesting.

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