Posted 27 июня 2020, 20:59

Published 27 июня 2020, 20:59

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Deadly Protest: BLM events will take more black lives than all US policemen

Deadly Protest: BLM events will take more black lives than all US policemen

27 июня 2020, 20:59
The number of Covid infections after a wave of protests in America is growing again, as well as mortality among the African American population.

Network analyst Andrei Nalgin drew attention to a photograph of Reuters, in which a dark-skinned doctor, rather grinning, looks at white-skinned women who support African-Americans.

At the same time, he knows very well that approximately one third of the demonstrators will be ill with Covid within two weeks, every fifth of them will be hospitalized, and every twenty will die.

“This is the harsh truth of the second wave”, - writes Nalgin.

And do not think that the wave of protests that swept across America will remain without consequences - the statistics are at least late, but they will definitely say their word. And now it’s clear that epidemiologists have not deceived anyone: since mid-June, the decline in patients with coronavirus infection has given way to new growth: 15 thousand new infections per day, which will result in an average of 750 excess deaths, since mortality in the United States is prohibitive - about 5% ! So we have to conclude that whites are going to die for blacks , which the latter cannot but rejoice at.

"Natural selection in action?" - the analyst asks. And he answers: “No matter how!”

Everything is much worse, since many of those who pick up the infection at rallies will become, if not patients, then distributors and super-distributors of Covid, and no one knows how many Americans they re-mash. And another fact that is now sad for African Americans: according to the conclusions of British scientists, CoVID-19 kills representatives of the black race 4 times more often than the European one. So there is every reason to believe that the protests that arose as a result of the killing by police of one black man will take more African-American lives than all policemen in half a century!
