Posted 9 июля 2020, 07:42

Published 9 июля 2020, 07:42

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

The Ministry of Health promised to make vaccination against coronavirus voluntary

9 июля 2020, 07:42
The head of the Russian Ministry of Health Mikhail Murashko said that it would be possible to make a vaccine against coronavirus only with the consent of a citizen. The minister noted that the number of supporters of vaccination has increased because people have realized its importance.

About the fact that vaccination against COVID-19 will be voluntary, the head of the government department said on the air of the channel "Russia 1".

"Today interest in the vaccine is quite high, because people today have realized the full significance of vaccination. And I want to say that over this period the number of supporters of vaccination has increased”, - said Murashko.

According to him, a more stable immunity have those people who have had the disease in a serious form. With an asymptomatic infection, immunity is significantly weaker. But there is no evidence of a complete absence of an immune system response of the patients who were ill.

Earlier, Murashko pointed out that the formation of the immunity is the main condition for the country to return to the normal life after a pandemic. But this will happen not earlier than February, 2021 - only after the vaccine is introduced.
