Khabarovsk Territory Governor Sergey Furgal is arrested for two months

10 июля 2020, 15:34
The Moscow Basmanny Court sent into custody for two months the governor of the Khabarovsk Territory Sergey Furgal, accused of organizing murders and of the attempted murder. Last day he was detained at his home in Khabarovsk and immediately sent by plane to Moscow.

Today, representatives of the press were taken out of the Basmanny courtroom - a measure of restraint was appointed to Sergei Furgalu behind closed doors . The Investigative Committee said that the participants in the case of the head of the Khabarovsk Territory received threats and therefore are under state protection. Earlier it was reported that, in particular, they took under protection the former business partner of Furgal - Nikolai Mistryukov. He himself was detained last year in the case of organizing murders and attempted murders.

Also, in the criminal case against Furgal, deputies of the regional Duma from the LDPR Sergey Kuznetsov (born in 1954) and Dmitry Kozlov (born in 1981) were detained . Both were detained under a fraud article, and then arrested. By the five members of the regional branch of the Liberal Democratic Party came to searches. During the detention, Sergei Furgal pleaded not guilty.

"The court decided: to satisfy the request of the investigation in respect of Sergey Furgal to select a preventive measure in the form of detention until September 9, 2020"" the judge announced the decision Arthur Karpov. According to the investigation, the Khabarovsk governor organized an attempt on the murder of businessman Alexander Smolsky and the murder of two more businessmen - Yevgenia Zori and Oleg Bulatov - in 2004-2005, the Interfax news agency reported . According to the Investigative Committee, Sergey Furgal is also tested for involvement in other particularly serious crimes committed in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories, as well as in the Amur Region.

President of the Union of Lawyers of Russia Igor Trunov believes that the governor of the Khabarovsk Territory Sergei Furgal should be involved in last year’s case of a fire in the Koldomi children’s camp , which killed four children because the Koldomi recreation center was funded by the state program. Earlier, Igor Trunov filed a corresponding application with the Investigative Committee.

In the Kremlin, meanwhile, they commented on the statement of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the leader of LDPR to which also belongs Sergey Furgal, about the "boxes of money" that the governor, he said, refused to carry to Moscow. "These words are very serious and need proof”, - said Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for the Russian president.

“To react, you need to know who demanded to carry bags or boxes of money to Moscow”, - he said.

Sergey Furgal, leaving the courtroom, going to the pre-trial detention center, briefly addressed all those present: "To all the patient - goodbye".

In support of the head of the region, several actions are being held in the Khabarovsk Territory, including in Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, where motorists organized a flash mob called Freedom to Furgal. Vladimir Zhirinovsky said that "we will defend Furgal. We will never expel him from the party. The Furgal affair is a big political affair. Our governor is clean."

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