Posted 16 июля 2020, 07:19

Published 16 июля 2020, 07:19

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

The Accounts Chamber has predicted an increase of the number of the deceived equity holders

16 июля 2020, 07:19
The Accounts Chamber (AC) of the Russian Federation saw the risks of increasing the number of long-term construction projects and defrauded equity holders in Russia due to the frequent cases of bankruptcy of developers.

The Accounts Chamber auditor Svetlana Orlova noted that the purchasing power of the population has decreased, and in addition, cases of bankruptcy of small and medium-sized developers have become more frequent. In this regard, "there are the risks of a further increase in the number of problematic objects and, accordingly, the number of defrauded equity holders".

The representative of the AC said that in March there were over three thousand problem homes in 76 regions. According to experts, the most unfavorable situation was in Moscow, Moscow region, Leningrad region, Nizhny Novgorod region and Krasnodar Territory.

The problem, they point out in the AC, is compounded by the fact that there is still no complete and reliable information on the number of equity holders whose rights have been violated.

- Due to changes in legislation from mid-2019, the regions do not keep a register of such citizens. As of July last year, there were about 48 thousand people. At the same time, according to various expert estimates, their total number is now from 180 to 200 thousand people, the department said.

In addition, there is a high probability of problems with financing for the completion of problematic facilities. For the completion of 3,137 residential buildings, 686 billion rubles are needed, and the law on the budget for the Fund for the Protection of the Rights of Interest Holders this year provides for only 3 billion rubles. Moreover, neither in 2021, nor in 2022 the appropriation is planned at all.

The AC notes that a similar situation is observed with the regional budget - only 40 billion rubles were allocated for the completion of long-term construction in 31 regions.

“Lack of funding, especially in the context of the spread of coronavirus, creates significant risks of not completing ongoing activities on time”, - says Orlova.

The AC sent a letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin and the government. In appeals, the agency indicated specific proposals for solving problems.

Let us recall that a third of all multi-apartment buildings being built in Russia are being built with a delay in commissioning. During the crisis, the volume of current construction for the first time fell below 100 million square meters.
