Posted 20 июля 2020, 06:38

Published 20 июля 2020, 06:38

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Russian virologists have announced the success of a new vaccine against coronavirus

20 июля 2020, 06:38
Russian doctors have identified the antibodies to coronavirus in the second group of volunteers who participated in vaccine trials in the main clinical hospital named after Burdenko.

According to the head of the 48th Central Research Institute of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops (RHBZ) of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Colonel of the Medical Service Sergey Borisevich, the analysis data confirm that antibodies were detected after vaccination in all participants in the experiment. The components of the drug are well tolerated and safe. The second group of volunteers are scheduled to leave for Monday 20 July. The first volunteers were discharged on 15 July.

Along with this, in the hospital. Burdenko conducting clinical trials of the Russian vaccine against COVID-19 is being completed. Scientists will carry out analytical work, draw up the necessary reports, provide research results and begin state registration of the drug.

During preclinical trials, a methodology for quantitative assessment of the pathogen and its laboratory model developed at the 48th Central Research Institute was used, which allows reproducing the course of ARI, in particular, SARS-CoV, to assess the effectiveness of drugs.

Earlier, the head of the Russian Ministry of Health, Mikhail Murashko, reported that the registration of the first coronavirus vaccine in the Russian Federation is scheduled for August.

Alexander Gintsburg, the Head of the Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after N. F. Gamaleya, clarified that the coronavirus vaccine will be suitable for all patients, with the exception of those who suffer from severe chronic diseases of the immune system.
