The Ministry of Industry and Trade is preparing a "plan B" in case of a new wave of coronavirus in Russia

29 июля 2020, 09:43
The Ministry of Industry and Trade and Rospotrebnadzor are developing an action plan for trade in case the number of coronavirus cases in Russia increases and additional restrictions have to be introduced.

It is assumed, in the event of a second wave of the epidemic, not to close all stores so that Russian entrepreneurs can keep their business.

“We are working on the so-called“ plan B ”in case the number of cases increases in the fall of this year and it is necessary to take tough measures to close everything. So that entrepreneurs can continue to work during this period, we are working on solutions that will allow them to continue working in this period in compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards", - Interfax writes with reference to the words of Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Viktor Yevtukhov.

According to him, during self-isolation in the spring of this year, consumers more often chose stores of large retailers, which have both large trade formats and stores in the “near home” format. They account for about 40% of the market. The rest are private small stores, including non-food stores, which turned out to be less in demand during the period of self-isolation, some of them were completely forced to quarantine. To enable such small formats to continue working, a new plan is being developed.

The deputy minister added that sales in non-food retail fell by 60-70% during self-isolation, but this was lower than the authorities predicted at the beginning of the crisis. This is due to the fact that the peak incidence in the country was overcome faster than other countries, and in almost all regions, non-food retail was already able to return to work. During the two-month downtime, non-food retail lost a third of its profits, but the losses, according to the Deputy Minister, were partially compensated by deferred demand.

Earlier, the head of the World Health Organization, Adan Ghebreyesus, expressed concerns about an increase in the number of cases of coronavirus in the world. Over the past month and a half, the number of cases has doubled. Since the beginning of the spread of the epidemic, 16.4 million people have already been infected with the coronavirus, 9.2 million of them have already recovered. 654.3 thousand patients died from complications.

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