Posted 29 июля 2020, 10:29

Published 29 июля 2020, 10:29

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Video message from Marina Chaika: "I am in great danger and I'm praying for protection and help!"

29 июля 2020, 10:29
“Now I only have the right to the public protection”, - says Marina Chaika.

The wife of Artyom Chaika, a businessman, the eldest son of the former Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation (2006 - January 2020), and now the Presidential Envoy to the North Caucasus Federal District, Yuri Chaika, published an emotional video message asking for help. A woman demands a divorce. She receives threats, including of taking away her children. Moreover, her passport is not returned.

Marina was supported by the older children - Maria, Dariya and Sergiy, who during the video were in the frame with her and also addressed a few words to their father. "Novye Izvestia" publishes the text of the video message.

“Hello, my name is Marina Chaika, and these are my children - Maria, Sergiy, Daria, and there is also Sofia, the youngest daughter.

I am the wife of Artyom Chaika, the eldest son of the former Prosecutor General.

This video message, no matter how strange it may seem to you ..., I do it out of despair.

I am just a woman who wants to divorce my husband, Artyom Chaika.

We lived with him for 21 years, we have four children...

Now our quiet life with children is under threat.

I do not share property with him, I do not want anything from my spouse.

I want to be given at least a passport, I have not had it for almost two months. You heard right. But I am already forced to sue because of this...

And also I want to get my documents from the notary Golodnova Irina Yurievna, who does not give them to me either. She says that there is no passport, that she has no right to issue it, although she is obliged to issue it, all other notaries confirm this, but she considers it necessary to decide in her own way what to do with my document...

I just already understand that threats and promises to take away children are coming to my family. Because I had guardianship authorities, which made it clear that in court they would defend my husband.

I just want to live without threats.

I ask the press and all people to support me.

I apply only because I have no more rights, except for the right to public protection.

I am in great danger and I want there to be no threats.

At the moment, "thanks" to my husband, it turns out that I am powerless, since I have no documents. He uses unlimited power and puts pressure on all organs, as I understand it.

Please, I pray for protection and help, help me!"

Maria and Daria, daughters of Marina and Artem Chaika, supported their mother:

“We understand that in this difficult, difficult situation now there may be various information from completely strangers that our mother is crazy, abnormal ... But she is an absolutely normal adequate person, she is a loving mother of her children, she devoted her whole life to our upbringing , always stands behind us. And therefore, in this difficult situation, we also want to protect her, support her in order to cope with this situation. And I would like to say that she gave up all apartments, all property, just so that she would be given a divorce and she could live normally without any threats".

“She raised us, gave us her love, care, support, always sympathized and gave instructions. But even after the arrival of guardianship, when they made it clear to us that guardianship would be on the side of dad ... Please, dad, do not separate us and our younger sister. We love her very much and we want it all to finally end. Give our mom a divorce! Let us live in peace!"

Journalist and human rights activist Ekaterina Gordon, who will defend the interests of Marina Chaika, posted this video message on her President Gordon YouTube channel and on her Instagram with the following comment:

“...Their life (Marina's Chaika and her children - noted by NI) turned into a real nonsense. Marina, from whom her husband (Artyom Chaika) took all the documents, is not given a passport after her application to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Presnensky District, frankly saying that "they cannot", and it is recommended to contact the "personnel department of the Prosecutor General's Office." Now Marina is forced to demand a passport through the court (we are not joking); when requesting duplicate documents from a notary in Moscow Golodnova I.Yu. on the basis of a temporary certificate with a photo (the notary must issue it) - Golodnova refuses ... (we have to complain about her...).

Every time Marina tries to apply to the authorized bodies for documents, she is denied on strange grounds. Her husband, Artyom Chaika, directly tells her that he will never give a divorce.

Marina gave up the property in full, continues to provide for the children herself and engage in their upbringing. Due to the fact that an administrative resource was clearly involved against Marina, it was decided to perform all procedural actions in public. Former lawyers and lawyers openly said that they were afraid to get involved in this case.

Katya Gordon and her team support Marina and her children and intend to help Marina get a passport and the necessary documents, as well as get a divorce and get the simple right to live like a simple Russian person who has devoted his whole life to children and does not require anything from her spouse except the right to a quiet life with their children.

We ask you to pay attention to this story - to protect these children and Marina from threats and illegal actions. We also ask journalists, even under pressure, not to write nonsense about Marina, but to remain professionals and people".

Let us recall that in December 2017, the US Treasury Department added Artyom Chaika to the Magnitsky list. The ministry believes that the son of the former Prosecutor General of Russia used his father's official position to obtain government contracts and put pressure on competitors. At the time, Artyom Chaika called his inclusion in the Magnitsky sanctions list an attempt to put pressure on the prosecutor's office.
