Among the points is a general strike at state-owned enterprises until the end of the working day, demanding that the management publicly support "new and fair elections". In Minsk and regional centers, the authors of the appeal do not exclude the introduction of martial law and, as a result, the inability to gather in one place. Nevertheless, the authors propose to gather at the buildings of district administrations in order to put forward their demands directly to officials.
The authors of the appeal urge residents of the region to "block the building of the local executive committee and require the head to publicly join the protesters".
The activists call their goal "holding new elections" and "unconditional release of all political prisoners." For this, they assure, it is necessary to "surpass the forces of the enemy" and "establish direct democracy of the people".
Tens of thousands of people took to the streets in the capital.
According to state exit polls, Lukashenko scored 82.08% in closed areas in five regions of Belarus, at Tikhanovskaya 6.98%. The turnout in the elections in Belarus was 79%.