Minsk riot police detained the teenagers for making of "Molotov cocktails"

13 августа 2020, 09:53
OMON officers detained in the Belarusian capital two citizens involved in the production of the so-called "Molotov cocktails", the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic informed.

The department reports that the detainees are 18-19 years old. The Ministry of Internal Affairs points out that young people filled bottles with Molotov cocktails. In the bags they found a 10-liter canister containing gasoline, as well as a bottle of vegetable oil.

The detainees themselves said that they learned the recipe for the "Molotov cocktail" in one of the Telegram channels, decided to make it on their own and later use it at mass events against the security forces.

They also said they bought ingredients for the mixture at a nearby gas station, and then went to the parking lot, where they found bottles that they planned to fill with Molotov cocktails.

The young men were taken to the Frunzensky District Department of Internal Affairs of Minsk. Currently, the issue of recognizing them as suspects in a criminal case of mass riots is being resolved.

Let us remind that, judging by the results of the analysis of search queries of Belarusian Internet users, about a hundred people were interested in the recipe for the “Molotov cocktail” during the day on August 9-10.

On August 9, on the day of the presidential elections, after the closing of polling stations, protesters took to the streets of the republic, disagreeing with the victory of Alexander Lukashenko. Let's remind that the incumbent president won with the result of 80% of votes. During the protest actions, which have been going on every day since August 9, about a thousand - according to the official data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - citizens were detained, two people died. The police put the protesters on their knees and beat them with a truncheon, and the former special forces, ashamed and outraged by what is happening, throw their uniforms into the garbage cans with the words “the brotherhood of the Belarusian special forces is no more”.

Meanwhile, the Belarusian opposition proposed to convene a summit in the EU and create a "government in exile".

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