Posted 3 сентября 2020,, 07:06

Published 3 сентября 2020,, 07:06

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

The opposition of Belarus could not contact the Ambassador of the Russian Federation

The opposition of Belarus could not contact the Ambassador of the Russian Federation

3 сентября 2020, 07:06
The Coordination Council of Belarus has repeatedly tried to contact the Russian Ambassador, Dmitry Mezentsev. A member of the presidium of the council, Maria Kolesnikova, said that the ambassador did not respond to the letters sent by e-mail.

- Of course, we made several attempts to contact the Russian Ambassador to Belarus. We have not received any answer yet, but we are waiting, we are ready... to explain our position, - said Kolesnikova on the air of the radio station Ekho Moskvy, adding that according to some information, the ambassador received letters, and they promise to give a response from the diplomatic mission "soon".

It should be reminded that earlier Mezentsev indicated that Russian diplomats did not intend to meet with representatives of the Belarusian opposition. He pointed out that the issues that are being resolved with the opposition are the internal affairs of Belarus.

- The wise people of the republic will themselves determine the optimal path of their development. The position of Russia is to support the enormous potential of bilateral relations, - TASS quotes him as saying.

Before that, ex-presidential candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya said in an interview with the Lithuanian LRT that the opposition is ready to conduct a dialogue with Russia.

- We expect and probably would like to talk with representatives of Russia. Of course, if such a call or invitation arrives, we, of course, will not refuse, - Tikhanovskaya answered the journalists' question about whether representatives of the opposition movement had contacted the Kremlin.

At the same time, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated that Moscow is not ready to conduct a dialogue with the Belarusian opposition.

- I do not want to make any assessments, but some of the names from the list that was announced as the composition of the coordinating council are familiar to us. And a number of these surnames are associated with individuals who advocate a cultural break with Russia, for the use of the slogan of Belarusianization to infringe on the Russian language, Lavrov noted.

Earlier, Maria Kolesnikova previously announced the creation of the Vmeste (Together) party. Despite the ambiguous reaction of Kolesnikova's partners, she herself believes that the creation of the party does not contradict the interests of other oppositionists.

Let us remind you that after the presidential elections in Belarus, held on August 9, protest actions are being held in the republic who disagree with the official results of the voting, according to which Alexander Lukashenko won.