Posted 15 сентября 2020,, 08:56

Published 15 сентября 2020,, 08:56

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Convicted Izmestyev: "Ural Rakhimov was the customer of numerous murders"

Convicted Izmestyev: "Ural Rakhimov was the customer of numerous murders"

15 сентября 2020, 08:56
The former representative of Bashkiria in the Federation Council directly states that the customers of the killings are the former President of Bashkiria, Murtaza Rakhimov and his son Ural Rakhimov, whose purpose was to steal the state property and maintain power over the republic.

On the eve of the telegram channels, a video of an interview with ex-senator Igor Izmestyev was published, which confirms the information spread on the eve of the review of the case that he had testified about the customers of the numerous murders he organized.

The interview was apparently recorded on a mobile phone right in the colony, where Izmestyev is serving a life sentence for numerous grave crimes. According to the convict, the most resonant of the crimes for which he was convicted - the terrorist attack before the 2003 elections was commissioned by the son of the head of the republic Ural Rakhimov:

- In general, we must talk about a major crime of a global nature. The purpose of this crime, by and large... Maintaining power, inheritance and seizure of the fuel and energy complex of the republic. In the process of committing all these things, a number of crimes occurred, let's call them satellites, which to one degree or another ensured the main task, - says Izmestyev.

He calls the terrorist attack of 2003 an element of the election campaign, which was carried out by the so-called Kingissep group. The leader of the gang, Sergei Finagin, was initially a collector, engaged in knocking out debts. Subsequently, members of the Rakhimov family entrusted him with tasks to eliminate business and political competitors. One of the first to die was the ex-director of the Novoufimsk Oil Refinery Salavat Gainanov, who was planning to compete politically with Murtaza Rakhimov:

- Gaynanov was a good manager and a strong leader with great ambitions for power. Strictly speaking, this is the reason why he died. I made a reservation. Of course, also money. There was a huge amount of cash in there. He was not a pawn in the game. At that time, he had ambitions for power. ...In my opinion, political claims. Wanted too much. More than a factory director. ...The republic is one. There cannot be ten leaders. Accordingly, someone drops out. Thus, Gainanov was the main reason that he was killed.

Ex-chief accountant of the Bashkir Fuel Company Valery Speransky Ural Rakhimov ordered, according to the murderer, for being too deeply immersed in the financial and personal secrets of Ural Rakhimov:

- He was not only an accountant, he was a member of the board of directors of Bashneft, for example. He was a member of the board of directors of Bashneftekhim and so on. In fact, Speransky at the time of his death was the second person in the Bashkir fuel and energy complex, that is, this is the second person after Ural Rakhimov, a trusted person. The man who made the very scheme of privatization of the Bashkir fuel and energy complex in quotes. A person dedicated to absolutely everything and making a scheme for the withdrawal of property from the state into private hands. There are some other nuances that I would not like to talk about. In addition to his direct activities within the framework of schemes and decisions, there are also personal belongings connecting him and the son of the former president. I'm talking about sexual relationships.

Izmestyev says that he had a close relationship with both Rakhimov Jr. and his father. Murtaza Rakhimov, according to the ex-senator, was often only the executor of his son's will:

- Everything was invented and implemented by Ural. Another question is that the former president gave the opportunity to do this. And this is also a crime. It must be understood that the father was completely under the control of his son. He was not the leader, he was the follower. Therefore, the main violin and the entire ideology of embodiment, everything was invented and created by the son. The father was even indignant, there were moments. Tried to turn the whole circuit back. They also had such moments. But time passed and he admitted that he was wrong and did as his son indicated to him.

Izmest'ev notes that all of the above is already in the case materials and states that he is convinced that the case can be reviewed:

- All this is in the materials of the criminal case. In a fairly large volume. The time comes when it is necessary to speak about it openly and it is possible to change the situation.

The Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation will review the case of the former senator on September 30.

The intensification of cases against the Rakhimov family coincided with their attempt to return to politics. Thus, the Rakhimovs are suspected of being involved in organizing thousands of protest rallies in Bashkiria, and Murtaza Rakhimova's niece called on her fellow countrymen to “resist officials”, “organized protest” so that “the thread of Russian authoritarianism was torn off”.