Posted 17 сентября 2020,, 12:32

Published 17 сентября 2020,, 12:32

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Following the example of Iran: Rosgvardia turns into a morality police

Following the example of Iran: Rosgvardia turns into a morality police

17 сентября 2020, 12:32
Instead of fulfilling their direct official duties, Zolotov's wards engaged in "correcting public morality".

The writer Sergey Besedin gave in his blog a typical example of what the Rosgvardia (Federal National Guard Troops Service) is actually being reborn into, once formed in order to save the country's citizens from terrorists and extremists:

“In Moscow, the Russian Guards disrupted the show of the play Vulva 3.0 in support of Yulia Tsvetkova after an anonymous call abot that "the propaganda of homosexuality” would be carried out there. In the amount of twenty people, they simply walked around the auditorium and interfered with the event.

When Rosgvardia had just appeared, it was assumed, at least in theory, that it would be a powerful machine to protect Raseyushka from terrorists and extremists. In reality, healthy goofs simply degenerated into a stupid morality police, which touchingly cares about the morality and chastity of adults. Well, we can be congratulated, the Orthodox Taliban finally freezes in its new form, like a fly in amber.

If the National Guards want to improve the system of their work, then they don't have to go far. You can, for example, pay attention to the methods of the Iranian service gashte ershad, "mentor patrols" who wander around the cities and check whether a woman's headscarf is moved on her head and whether she is wearing cosmetics. However, men wearing Western haircuts are also at risk. A resonant case was when 14-year-old Zahra was beaten at the police station on her birthday for wearing ripped jeans for a holiday.

If gashte ershad is not satisfied with something, then please - the Saudi mutawa, which has been successfully existing for 80 years. These guys don't miss either. They came up with the idea that they arrest mannequins in stores for too frivolous clothes.

In Malaysia, so-called “religion guards” make sure that a man and a woman do not get too close to each other. Apparently, they run after them with a tape measure and measure them every minute. It's too crowded. But not too much. You can move on.

And finally, our guiding star, our unattainable ideal, which Zyuganov and Khamatova like so much - North Korea. Sukpakkanel, night checks on apartments are held here once a month. They are being conducted jointly by the police and the Inmingbanjan, the head of the so-called popular group of 15-50 families, a group into which the entire North Korean population is divided. They usually look for lovers or unregistered relatives who came to visit from the village. However, due to the irresponsibility of the Inminbandjans, warning their wards about the check in advance, she often goes down the drain.

So there is room for improvement. If you soon see a Russian Guard on the street measuring the distance between a man and a woman, do not be surprised. It's just that we are adopting the advanced experience of Malaysia ... "

In fact, it is not at all necessary to go so far for examples, one has only to remember how one of the readers of Besedin of Soviet vigilantes did it:

“... The guards who cut Beatle fans, or cut too tight trousers, the Komsomol detachment of Moscow State University, headed by the current State Duma deputy Zatulin, regularly raids the university dormitories for violations of morality and ethics, as well as the aforementioned relatives, discussion of the expediency of paying scholarships to students, those who allow themselves to wear jeans ideologically alien to the Soviet man - all this is ours, dear ... "

And another reader suggested exporting the Rosguards for export, since the demand for such services is growing in the world now:

Have spawned parasites. What are the healthy policemen in Belarus. Can they be rented to break up yellow vests in France? Can they work on tour in America too ? "