Posted 23 сентября 2020, 11:26

Published 23 сентября 2020, 11:26

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

The ban is not for everyone: how the dead because of coronavirus are buried in Moscow

The ban is not for everyone: how the dead because of coronavirus are buried in Moscow

23 сентября 2020, 11:26
Despite the strictest regulations on the procedure for burying victims of coronavirus infection, for a fee, relatives can say goodbye to the deceased in the traditional way.

The fidelity of the classic Saltykov-Shchedrin aphorism that "the severity of Russian laws is mitigated by the non-binding nature of their execution" is best confirmed by pandemic practice. And, of course, in the most cynical way. Everyone who is not lazy makes money on quarantine. For example, healthcare workers. How? The way Muscovite Sergey Novikov briefly described it on his blog:

“About the 67th hospital. Short. To know. I'm putting my mom in the ambulance in the 2nd Surgery, liver abscess. 22.00 was brought, 04.30 put in the ward: 6.5 hours were kept in a nightie in the cold basements of the reception. Treatment is underway, but no one pays attention to low blood pressure. We handed over our tonometer, fixed it, and began to treat it too (on my call). Goes to discharge, the doctor says the date. Mom has a bad cough, I call, I ask you to check - pneumonia. They are being treated for a week, I call and hear a very weak voice of my mother, I call the doctor back - they put me in intensive care. From there every other day to the covid-intensive care unit, and every other day mom is not there (09/01/2020).


  1. Observation of patients is terrible, all actions are only after a call from the outside.
  2. In the hospital, covid walks, my mother was negative on admission, she became infected there.
  3. Mom communicated with the entire Surgery Department, which means she was a carrier too. The department works unchanged.

We take mom to cremation after covid. According to the rules - a closed coffin, a package. "Can I see what exactly she is there?" "Make an agreement with the orderlies." Options:

  1. Let's make a face so that they know - 5t.r.
  2. We will dress, we will make beautifully, but look only in the morgue - 20 tr.
  3. p.2 + say goodbye as usual, everything is open - 30 tr.

Only facts, no comments or emotions. So that you know..."


In the comments, readers shared their similar experiences:

- Everything is the same in Sklif. Mom (75 years old) was taken with a fracture of the spine. They kept him for 10 days, and found a covid at a roommate. In a day, at mom's. They were discharged with a kick in the ass on the same day. The half-lying elderly man was sent home. And they advised to be treated in a trauma center when he was cured of covid.

They were forced to sign a quarantine agreement, the district reported. Nobody even came from the district clinic. And that the spine - nobody cares, and that one lives - too. Covid.

The department is working and the ward is unchanged, all the doctors are without masks. They didn't even disinfect. And this is the norm...

- My condolences... the doctors themselves admit that it is very unsafe to get to the hospital now...

From the editor:

In an interview with Dr. Alexander Myasnikov Ksenia Sobchak (you can easily watch it on YouTube by typing a request), the famous doctor literally said the following:

- The dead do not breathe!

Therefore, it is impossible to become infected with the coronavirus from a corpse, Mr. Myasnikov said throughout the country.

In this regard, reasonable questions arise - why bury the dead from covid in bags and closed coffins? And are the orderlies of the morgues really wrong, who allow relatives to see their loved ones for the last time?
