Posted 1 октября 2020, 12:08

Published 1 октября 2020, 12:08

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

"A drunken angel ..." New monument to Yesenin was ridiculed in social networks

"A drunken angel ..." New monument to Yesenin was ridiculed in social networks

1 октября 2020, 12:08
Only few social media users appreciated the sculptor's fantasy.

As you know, in honor of the 125th anniversary of the birth of Sergey Yesenin, a sculpture of an outstanding poet was installed on the territory of the Moscow Museum named after him. By all accounts, it turned out to be very strange, if not funny. Especially when you remember Yesenin's riotous lifestyle. The author of the monument, sculptor Grigory Pototsky, at the opening ceremony explained his idea as follows: “Yesenin is an angel with broken wings. This is our pain. His poetry is a reflection of the great sadness and great beauty of the Russian people", and he called the work itself very pathetically: "Requiem for Yesenin" or "Angel of Russian poetry".

Alas, the bloggers did not share the high feelings of the sculptor, and vied with each other to comment on this event.

So, philologist Nikolay Podosokorsky wrote:

“New monument to Yesenin in Moscow. The author of the sculpture, Grigory Pototsky, called his work "Requiem for Yesenin" or "Angel of Russian Poetry". I would call this creation simply "Drunken Angel"..."

Vera Afanasyeva, a teacher and civic activist, went even further in her sarcasm:

“I didn’t know that he knew how to stand in the “bridge”, leaning on the fins...”

Other comments are no better:

"What aggressive vulgarity and bad taste".

“Either they clipped the wings, or glued the flippers together. Forgive us, Yesenin".

"Reminds me of a T-1000 terminator in a scene at a metallurgical plant".

"The propeller forgot to sprinkle".

It remains only to admit with bitterness that Yesenin has no luck with monuments at all. So on Tverskoy Boulevard instead of thin, broken lyrics opposite the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky is a soulless semi-official blockhead, leaning on either a birch or willow stump. But even more terrible is the monument in Ryazan, where Yesenin, like a giant monster, emerges from the ground on the high bank of the Oka.
