Nokhchalla - code of honor: by what rules the Chechens have lived for the centuries

1 октября 2020, 15:37
The attitude towards Chechens after the Chechen wars has sharply deteriorated. In many regions of Russia they are considered an aggressive people. But the Chechens have their own code of honor - Nokhchalla, according to which they must be benevolent, hospitable, and respectful of others, especially women.

The Chechen code of ethics was formed before the Chechens converted to Islam. In its final form, it was formed in the late Middle Ages, when freedom was declared the highest value of society.

From childhood, Chechens have been raised as a knight, gentleman, diplomat, courageous intercessor and reliable comrade - this is a tribute to the historical past of the mountain people.

A special attitude towards the guest was formed due to the fact that the living conditions of the Chechens have always been difficult - the mountainous area, the non-resort climate. Also, the difficult conditions of life in the mountains can be explained by the mutual assistance and mutual assistance of Nokhcho.

In order not to hurt the pride of another, a Chechen must be courteous and affable, not show his superiority, even if he is higher in the hierarchy. At the same time, a friend for Nokhcho means even more than a brother. A Chechen's inattention to his brother can be forgiven, but not to a friend. Also, Nokhcho should respectfully treat the Gentiles, since he can meet with a Muslim at the main Judgment Seat, but not with a Gentile - sin will remain forever.

In addition, the Chechen's code of honor implies a respectful attitude towards a woman (mother, wife) and her relatives.

The Masterok user provides on the LiveJournal platform the main points of the Qonakhalla code of honor for the Chechens:

"1. Qonakh is a person who firmly follows the basic principles of the Qonakhalla code of honor.

  1. The main goal and meaning of a qonakh's life is serving his people (Qam), his Fatherland (Daimokhk). The interests of the people and the Fatherland for him are always higher than the interests of his teip, clan, surname.
  2. The highest manifestation of the qonakh's service is the defense of the Fatherland from the invasion of the enemy. Death in a just war or in defense of one's honor and dignity is preferable for a qonakh than a life of dishonor and shame.
  3. In serving the Fatherland, a qonah has the right to engage in any kind of activity, except for those that can force him to compromise the principles of the code of honor or lower his personal dignity.
  4. Creative labor not only does not humiliate, but, on the contrary, elevates the dignity of the qonakh. Working for the good of the Fatherland in peacetime is as much a duty as defending one's country during a war.
  5. If a qonah serves the interests of one person or a group of people due to circumstances, then in the event that they come into conflict with the interests of the people, he must defend the interests of the people. And in order not to become an oath-breaker, he must not swear allegiance to anyone but the Fatherland.
  6. A kъonakh must be ready for death every moment, for there is nothing eternal in this world. He must remember that for him there are concepts that are dearer than life: Fatherland, personal dignity and honor. But a qonah should not strive for death and unnecessarily test fate, since life is the highest gift of the Most High to man.
  7. The main quality of a kъonakh is endurance. It shows true courage and ability to manage oneself and the situation. Thoughtless courage is courage with closed eyes, it is forgivable to a young man who does not know the value of either his own or someone else's life. The endurance of a qonakh is the skill of a knowledgeable person, a conscious step to meet death, if otherwise contradicts the interests of the Fatherland, incompatible with the code of honor or personal dignity.
  8. A qonakh should be modest in life, in everyday life, in public affairs. The mind, courage, deeds of the qonakh should be appreciated, first of all, by those around him. But even the subjectivity of this assessment does not give him a reason to praise himself.
  9. A kъonakh is always responsible for his words and deeds. He always fulfills the word he has given to other people and never, even at the cost of his own life, does not break the oath given to him.
  10. The main wealth of a qonakh is his honor and personal dignity. All other blessings of this world can be found again, once lost, but the lost honor, the scorned, is regained only through a worthy death.
  11. The accumulation of wealth is not contraindicated for a qonakh. The wealth of a qonakh accumulated in a righteous way can serve not only his interests, but also the interests of his people and Fatherland. Greed and stinginess can render the best qualities of any person useless, just as wastefulness can ruin the richest person. Generosity increases not only the glory of the qonakh, but also his well-being.
  12. A kъonakh should not infringe on the personal dignity and honor of other people as well as on someone else's property. At the same time, he should be condescending to the weaknesses and mistakes of other people, but demanding of himself.
  13. The qonakh is obliged to carefully preserve the best traditions of his family name, remember his ancestors, respect their past and the history of his people.
  14. A qonakh must constantly hone his mind, comprehend the wisdom and experience of the wisest, study the sciences that provide the key to understanding the world, since only through knowledge can one come to true faith and comprehension of justice.
  15. True faith and justice are the highest spiritual goals of a qonakh. In religious affairs the qonakh is guided by the postulate of Islam: "There is no compulsion in religion." He is tolerant of representatives of other religions, does not impose his views or lifestyle on them by force and coercion.
  16. A qonakh should be humble in religious matters. He never emphasizes his religiosity, does not substitute an external form for true faith.
  17. Justice is the only measure of a qonah's attitude to the world and people. He must be fair to other people as well as to himself.
  18. Gratitude is also a trait of a noble person. The good done to him, the qonah must repay many times. He himself does not expect gratitude for the good he has done.
  19. When dealing with people, a qonah should be extremely polite, restrained and modest, regardless of their social status or age.
  20. A qonakh treats a woman with respect and respect. He will never, under any circumstances, allow her to be insulted and humiliated, neither to himself nor to others. Honor and dignity to a woman are sacred for a qonakh.
  21. A kъonakh should be able not only to defend his innocence in word and deed, but also to listen to the opposite side, to agree with her opinion if she is right. To yield to a weaker opponent in a quarrel or dispute is not cowardice, but a manifestation of nobility.
  22. A qonakh should be merciful to the weak and infirm. He must treat with compassion not only to people, but also to animals that have no reason and cannot protect themselves from human cruelty.
  23. A qonakh treats all living things with compassion, he will never cut down a tree unnecessarily, and will not harm any living being.
  24. A qonakh must courageously endure all the hardships of life that befell him, including physical suffering.
  25. A kъonakh should behave with dignity both in fun and in sorrow. In any situation, he must show restraint and calmness.
  26. The life of a qonakh should be an example of high morality, wisdom and courage for the young generation. It is the moral duty of the qonah to pass on his life and military experience to the younger.
  27. A kъonakh must respect and honor his parents, take care of them, and provide for their old age.
  28. In his family, a qonah should be as fair as in society. Both in punishment and in encouragement, he must be equal and restrained. He should not stoop to insult or physically punish family members. If a woman has committed such an act for which she can be hit, then she needs to be given a divorce.
  29. In friendship, a qonah must be faithful and loyal. Defending his friend, a qonah should not spare his life. A kъonakh is known in friendship and in enmity.
  30. The qonakh shows the same nobility towards the enemy as towards other people.
  31. A kъonakh should not use weapons against an unarmed enemy. He is obliged to provide all possible assistance to a seriously wounded enemy, just as he would do it for any person.
  32. The kъonakh should, if possible, avoid a duel with a weaker opponent, since any outcome of such a fight will not add glory to him, but may drop his name. If a duel is inevitable, then it should give the opponent the opportunity to choose a weapon and be lenient towards him.
  33. A kъonakh should not shy away from a fight with a strong opponent. But he should always prefer peace to war, if this is possible without prejudice to the interests of the people, their honor and personal dignity.
  34. The law of hospitality for the qonakh is holy. A kъonakh who failed to protect his guest is doomed to shame and contempt. Therefore, the life and freedom of the guest is dearer to him than his own life, but he is not responsible for the guest who has committed a crime.
  35. When visiting foreign countries and peoples, the qonah must respect their laws and traditions, since in this case he represents not only himself, but also his people.
  36. Throughout his life, a kъonakh should be engaged in improving his spirit and body in order to serve his people with maximum benefit.
  37. The kъonakh should regularly engage in exercises that temper his body, exercise with various types of weapons, in order to adequately defend the Fatherland and his honor if necessary.
  38. A kъonakh treats his weapon with respect, honors it, does not turn to it unnecessarily, never uses it for profit or an unjust deed.
  39. The death of a qonakh should be as worthy as his life. "

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