Posted 1 октября 2020,, 20:35

Published 1 октября 2020,, 20:35

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Wrong semen! Investigating Committee wants to deprive same-sex families of the chance to have children

Wrong semen! Investigating Committee wants to deprive same-sex families of the chance to have children

1 октября 2020, 20:35
The "case of fathers" which is now unfolding around the trade of babies born to surrogate mothers means that there can be no talk of any gender equality in Russia.

Not so long ago, Novye Izvestia devoted detailed material to the topic of surrogate motherhood, and they looked into the water! The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation announced that it plans to arrest the fathers of children born from surrogate mothers in the framework of the so-called “fathers case”.

It is clear that surrogacy is an ethically sensitive topic. Experts point out that it has been delegated in many countries out of concern that such practices could lead to the ethically unacceptable exploitation of women who, for reward, assume the role of biological mothers. But in Russia, at least until recently, there was no such ban, and therefore this practice was actively developing here, including with the participation of foreigners. Surrogate motherhood is also used by quite traditional heterosexuals for medical and other reasons, and, which is very important, by same-sex couples. However, it seems that now this practice will come to an end.

Journalist Alexander Baunov writes about this:

“Searching for“ Bastrykin, sperm ”is yesterday's news from a state agency. The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, as part of the investigation of a criminal case on trafficking in children, plans new detentions and arrests of men who have resorted to the help of surrogate mothers to give birth to children. A source in law enforcement agencies told TASS about it.

"As part of the investigation, the case will be supplemented with new episodes of child trafficking, the investigation is planning a number of arrests of new persons involved in the case from among single men, citizens of the Russian Federation, to whom surrogate mothers gave birth to children using the IVF procedure," the source said. He explained that these men, in accordance with the law, could not be donors during in vitro fertilization, "since they have a non-traditional sexual orientation".

What is clear from this news?

It is clear that our declaratively child-loving and family-loving state undertook to criminalize an attempt to have children. And he is ready to select those born from and transfer them as children, for spare parts or in a normal family, for example, the police officer who let his wife and daughters go to live with their future killer. They will not take anyone away and they will not start anything ahead of time, solely on the fact of spare parts.

It is clear that we are talking about single men only under the flawed Russian legislation, which is here on a par with the ishilo-Wahhabbi * "to consider a single man with one wife." But in fact, these are, almost certainly, families with their own apartment, country house and summer trips to the sea. Surrogacy itself costs like a country house and a lot of travel.

It is clear that the state, which swears for any reason and, unfortunately, more and more often without reason by the memory of the victors of fascism, has adopted and is trying to practice laws according to which some children are worse than others from birth, and the sperm of some people is worse than the sperm of others, and the best apparently from members of the Investigative Committee.

Who cares that it is possible to think so only by breaking all relations not only with modern science, but with the school course of biology. Russian laws divide into good and bad children, parents, sperm and eggs, on unscientific grounds, not far from racial theories, the belief that the risk of a Wahhabite is high from the seed of a Muslim donor, and children born when Jupiter is in Capricorn worse than when he is in Aquarius.

That a truly child-loving state would not chase after children, but would create a service that would help meet opposite-sex partners or same-sex couples who want to have children by submitting an application through the State Services to the MFC or the corresponding section of the website.

Brilliantly confirmed is the episode from the early Pelevin book, where a tough kid, leaning back from the zone, builds around himself the same zone, only huge, with towers and flashing lights, because he simply does not know another world. “Any serious person, no matter what he does, subconsciously tries on bunks and tries to make sure that his track record does not contain noticeable violations of prison taboos, for which he will have to pay backwards. Therefore, the life of a Russian macho is like a permanent spiritualistic seance: while the body is bathed in luxury, the soul shakes time in the zone".

In the world that is building the UK before our eyes, the highest achievement is not to contact those about whom we cannot talk, to have a bed with them diagonally, not to drink from one cup, not to take one spoon, not to sit at the same table, to do so, so that your children do not play with their children, that is, so that they do not have children at all, lower and not be left out, buy bread from German Sterligov for three thousand loaf, because the very air of his bakeries, designed for proud suckers (and, fortunately, for this reason, ruined), is not involved in filth. And our investigative committee will determine by its own concepts who has the right to leave offspring..."


In numerous comments to this post, the historian Ivan Kurilla expressed himself very briefly: "Wildness is going at some prohibitive pace...", and journalist Petr Favorov suggested asking the Constitutional Court of Russia about whether gender equality really exists in our country:

“Apparently, we are talking about children whose birth certificates only indicate their father. Separately, there is a rush on intermediaries in the field of surrogacy. If you see yourself legally, then agency activities in this area are now trying to equate with child trafficking. That is, we are talking about children, the birth certificate of which only indicates the father, conceived through agencies. In general, the situation is terrible, but I have long formulated for myself that the desire to have children in a same-sex family is one of the few good reasons for emigrating from Russia. In general, this is not an LGBT issue, but simply a man's right to have children without a mother, equal to the right of women to have children without a father. In this regard, I see the prospect of a request to the Constitutional Court on the constitutional principle of gender equality..."

*Terrorist organizations banned in the Russian Federation