Posted 8 октября 2020, 08:23

Published 8 октября 2020, 08:23

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Rogozin hopes on the acquittal of Safronov in court

Rogozin hopes on the acquittal of Safronov in court

8 октября 2020, 08:23
The head of the state corporation Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, said that he did not believe in the guilt of his adviser Ivan Safronov, since the journalist underwent a special check when applying for a job at the state corporation.

Rogozin said he would not fire Safronov from his job until the verdict was passed, which, in his opinion, should be acquitted. In a conversation with a TASS correspondent, Rogozin noted that he was very surprised when he learned about Safronov's arrest from a TV report. According to him, the arrest of the adviser was a "shock" for him.

Rogozin considers it premature to draw conclusions about Safronov's guilt before the end of the trial.

“Then we will draw conclusions regarding, among other things, people who are obliged to warn the management of the state corporation in time about those who want to get a job in our ranks. Any person who is hired to work in a state corporation, even for a position that may not be related to classified information, must undergo a special check", - the head of the state corporation Kommersant is quoted as saying.

Rogozin stressed that it is impossible to get to work at Roscosmos without a serious check. Many structures are working on studying the biographies and connections of candidates for employment: a special department, several departments - security, protection of state secrets, economic security.

“Professionals work there, including acting officers of the special services. I am used to relying on the fact that these are strong filters”, - Rogozin emphasized.

The head of the corporation added that he has known Safronov for many years "as a decent person and a professional journalist". He stressed that Safronov, based on the results of the inspections carried out, had no grounds for refusing to hire him. Without belittling the merits of intelligence, Rogozin urged when making decisions to proceed from the principle of the presumption of human innocence.

According to Rogozin, Ivan Safronov did not have access to classified information, since he was hired by the press service as an adviser and did not receive a special clearance form.

The journalist Ivan Safronov, who worked for the largest federal publications and specialized in covering the problems of the army, was arrested on 7 July. FSB officers accused him of treason under Art. 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Safronov does not admit guilt in the crime charged with him and considers the criminal prosecution a form of revenge for his independent journalistic activities.
