"Celery doesn't care how you look!": the web criticizes the rules of life of Pavel Durov

"Celery doesn't care how you look!": the web criticizes the rules of life of Pavel Durov

12 октября 2020, 15:22
For the second day already, seven rules of a healthy lifestyle, published by businessman Pavel Durov, have been discussed on social networks.

As you know, the founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, on his 36th birthday on October 10, published 7 rules that help him look younger.

Here they are:

1. Give up alcohol

With a few rare exceptions. However, in general, according to the entrepreneur, alcohol, like other addictive substances, negatively affects health and makes people visually older.

2. Sleep a lot

Sleep is exactly the period when your body is recovering, says Durov. At the same time, he advises to strictly observe the regime - lack of sleep on weekdays does not compensate for excessive sleep on weekends.

3. Don't overeat

Being overweight is associated with the risk of dozens of diseases and also makes people visually older, reminds the entrepreneur. “I usually eat twice a day with a 6-hour window or once a day without snacking. Eating more than 3 times a day is just a (bad) habit, ”notes Pavel Durov.

4. Exercise

Moderate but regular exercise helps you to be healthier and prolong your life. According to Durov, he personally prefers walking, cycling and outdoor swimming to cardio workouts.

5. Monitor stress

According to the entrepreneur, stress levels need to be controlled and several mental habits can help. As an example, he cites stoic techniques. In addition, life close to nature helps to control negative emotions and experiences.

6. Don't eat meat

“There are seafood and fish from the wild, but farm-raised red meat is exactly what most people who look younger than their age avoid. I suspect that the unhealthy nature of this product is related to the way livestock is raised and killed (this can be affected by the use of growth hormones, special feed, and so on), ”says Durov.

7. Live alone

“Surprisingly, all the young-looking middle-aged men with whom I spoke have lived alone most of their lives,” the entrepreneur notes. According to him, this can be influenced by the fact that the habits and behaviors of such people do not depend on others. However, he admits that this could be just a correlation - people who do not depend on unhealthy social norms are also independent in their personal lives.

Durov also notes that most of these theses are confirmed by scientific research, and he himself has been following such principles for more than 10 years, and considers the refusal to drink alcohol as the main rule. “Once you give up alcohol, you stop drowning out your intuition, which will tell you what is good for you and what is bad. You will figure it out on your own with everything you need to know, and will not depend on other people's advice".

Of course, advice from such a successful person could not go unnoticed on social networks.

Journalist Maksim Kononenko reacted with his usual humor:

“Pavel Durov is 36 years old. For his birthday, the legendary programmer and entrepreneur shared a recipe for youth:

  1. Make a billion
  2. Make a billion
  3. Make a billion
  4. Make a billion
  5. Make a billion
  6. Make a billion
  7. Live alone

Writer Sergei Minaev warns of the consequences of following these points:

“All Facebook today discusses Durov’s advice on how to look 26 at 36 (no meat, no alcohol, no stress, live alone).

I once met Durov, he was then still at the start of the game of Jobs (I walk all in black and speak in a deliberately low voice), but it was not this that struck me in him, but the manic alcohol free paradigm: I don’t drink, my brother doesn’t drink , in our company SUCH is not encouraged.

Then I thought - well, a little sect, of course, but the fig knows what the guy has in the anamnesis? Maybe the parents were drinking?... And here it turns out why - for eternal youth.

I had such a friend, he did not drink until 40, professed Buddhism, was a vegan. At 42, I transplanted myself LARGE hair and inserted implants into the CAVIARS.

And at 51 he met some cool prostitute from Kiev, started eating MDMA and cocaine..."

Network analyst Vladimir Guriyev was skeptical about Durov's advice:

“In the advice of Pavel Durov, it is not even their essence that is striking, but the senselessness and insignificance of the problem being solved.

Well, that is, let's say everything is like this, you don't drink, don't eat meat, don't start close relationships (because you avoid stress), live alone, and as a result you really look five to seven years younger than your biological age.

But why?

Celery doesn't care how you look, but you don't have anyone else..."

Writer Alina Vitukhnovskaya treated the businessman's statement as coquetry:

“Live alone. People are seriously quoting the rules of the jaded Pavel Durov on how to preserve youth at 36 (!) Years. First, at 36 he looks. Secondly, living alone - yes, it works, I've always written about it. Thirdly, he flirtatiously did not mention the most important factor - money.

It's amazing that the "rules" from such celebrities, not only read, but also try to follow them. Hence these crowds of emaciated and angry ZOZhnikov (look into any vegetarian cafe). However, sleep is an unoriginal idea, but true. Sleeping 10 hours a day, much better than 7. My still unattainable dream..."

And finally, journalist Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich opposed Durov's rules with his own:

“Pavel Durov explained to the whole world what to do to look younger than his age. Since many people tell me that at 45 I look, at most 35, I became interested.

Here are 7 rules from Pavel Durov:

  1. Avoid alcohol.
  2. Sleep a lot.
  3. Don't overeat.
  4. Go in for sports.
  5. Reduce stress.
  6. Don't eat meat.
  7. Live alone.

Testing on myself:

  1. I don't avoid alcohol.
  2. I sleep as I have to.
  3. I'll eat it as I have it.
  4. I do sports irregularly, although there was a period when I ran very well and a lot. The result in the marathon is 3 hours 41 minutes.
  5. With stress - yes, I'm fine. I am absolutely stress-resistant. What is depression - I absolutely do not understand.
  6. I eat meat. Moreover, according to my observations, most vegetarians do not look very good.
  7. I live not only not alone, but with my wife, who has a very difficult character, and my son, whose character is even more difficult.

So why, with such a malicious non-observance of Durov's recommendations, many people, including myself, have a blooming appearance beyond their years? I thought about it many times and came to the conclusion that this phenomenon has only three reasons:

  1. Genes. Little dog old age puppy. My mother, in her 70s, also looks at 50 with a penny.
  2. Optimism. A positive outlook on the world that is cruel but not malicious.
  3. The ability to do only what you really want to do. Nothing ages a person like slavery, even if it is voluntary.

But, of course, Pavel Durov is also largely right. Especially on the first five points. Over the years, the desire to completely abstain from alcohol, to go in for sports altogether and learn to wake up and fall asleep at the same time, is very aggravated.

But what if after that you start to look worse?"

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