Posted 15 октября 2020, 14:56

Published 15 октября 2020, 14:56

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

For the sake of tolerance: now Medusa chops off the head of Perseus

For the sake of tolerance: now Medusa chops off the head of Perseus

15 октября 2020, 14:56
The sculpture "Medusa with the Head of Perseus", as a symbol of justice, is installed in front of the Criminal Court of New York County, where the trial of Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein took place

This funny and completely in the spirit of the times, the news was announced in his blog by Muscovite Anton Chernov:

“A statue of Medusa the Gorgon has been erected in New York, holding the severed head of Perseus in her hands.

According to the myth, Medusa was a beautiful sea maiden with gorgeous golden hair, knew how to predict the future and was distinguished by free will. Athena envied her beauty, and was outraged by her liberty. And Poseidon, fascinated by the girl, began to persecute in attempts to master. Fleeing from a worried Poseidon, Medusa tried to find refuge in the temple of Athena, but Poseidon overtook her there and outraged. For Athena, the finest hour of revenge came and under the pretext that it was Medusa who was guilty of desecrating the temple, the goddess took revenge on the girl, turning her into a monster with snakes instead of hair and a look that turned people to stone. But even this was not enough for Athena. On behalf of the goddess, Perseus cut off Medusa's head. During the battle with Perseus, Medusa Gorgon carried the children of Poseidon under her heart.

The author of the sculpture, Argentinean-Italian artist Luciano Garbati questions the characterization of the mythical figure as a monster and examines the woman behind the myth. He asks the question: "What can be a triumph if you overcome the victim?" Garbati's sculpture is directly related to the 16th century Florentine bronze masterpiece "Perseus with the Head of Medusa" by Benvenuto Cellini (1545-1554).

The Perseus-headed Medusa, as a symbol of justice, was installed right in front of the New York County Criminal Court, home to high-profile cases, including the recent trial of Harvey Weinstein..."


Journalist Alexey Fyodorov wittily commented on this message:

“Next, the wondrous tolerant world was filled with the sculptures of a lion tearing Samson's mouth; The Serpent, piercing with a spear George the Victorious; the walls are decorated with murals in the style of the old masters, in which Holofernes cuts off Judith's head, his son mourns over Ivan the Terrible who was killed by him; pictures of Desdemona strangling Othello from the covers of the republished classics, how Desdemona strangles Othello, Kolobok devours a fox, a wolf and an old man with a grandmother, and Ivan Tsarevich kisses King Guidon in the crystal coffin ... Poor Hercules saw all this and drowned himself in the shit of the Augean stables..."
